Thanks for A2A Payal. I fail to believe that people of metropolitan cities like Mumbai or Bangalore would hate Punjabis or for that matter any particular community in general.
However, there could be certain behaviour at a certain point by a certain group of punjabi individuals, which could have triggered an uncalled for trouble or an impasse.
Let us understand a general take on the Punjabi attitude by non-punjabis. This of course does not apply to all the Punjabis in the city:
- Use (very) Loud tones: They often speak very loudly which could disturb others in the surroundings
- Easy fight Pickers: It is very easy to pick up a fight with a Punjabi. They'll never back down in a fight because they're egoists.
- Use of abusive language: It is a common practive for Punjabis to use cusswords like “Khotaa”, “Kameena”, “Kutta”, “Kanjar”, “Kamlee”, etc. Few even extend their grades to higher level of abuses.
- Excessive Show off: Punjabis aren't the richest people in town, but they do like to show off all they possess. Be it their cars, their watches or their accessories.
- Lack of civic sense: I wouldn’t personally corner the Punjabis on this front, as I see people from all communities who lack basic civic sense… be it standing on escalator, parking your vehicle, occupying a seat in a public / shared transport, littering public places, etc
- Insignificance to Education: Too much emphasis is laid on looks and 'fair' appearance, more than intellectual nourishment or simplicity.
- Heavy Drinkers: I don't know whether men of other communities have such alcoholic indulgences. Punjabis have a capacity to drink and most of the time its Whiskey, especially when served with Chicken.
- Greasy Cuisine: Punjabis pig out on food. Their cuisine is very heavy and involves a lot of dairy products such as ghee, butter, lassi and curd. Whether its Aloo Parathas or Malai Koftas, for them meal times must bring happiness. Probably, the reason why most of Punjabis are pot bellied by their mid thirties.
At the same time, Punjabi's live life in a large size. This applies on food, family size, love and affection. I can totally argue with anybody on this. Their ostentation, silliness, joie de vivre and friendship sets them apart from other communities.
There could be some tick-off moments because of which you could have felt indifference or annoyance from others.
Otherwise, in a busy city life of Mumbai (or any other metropolis); people do not tend to generalize any particular community.