This is actually pretty cool.
So I worked with this person. She stole 80$. I was a server. There was nothing I could do and I wasn't getting my money back and I knew it.
Months later I had found a new job. I get a call from my old place of employment. “Yes I need a cab to so and so”. I recognized the voice. I was the cab driver.
I knew it was her.
I go anyway. When I arrive there she is smiling. I said 80$ to get in this cab babe. And I just looked at her and smiled back.
”You can't do that. I know the company. I'm calling you in. I know the owner”. I laugh and I'm like yeah I know him too. He's the guy that hired me. But if you want in this particular cab, there's an 80$ deposit.
Ha I'm like go right ahead but if you don't wanna walk home in the rain there's an 80$ up front fee.
Now this whole time I have the window cracked. And literally nothing else is unlocked.
She was so mad.
I smiled ear to ear and says hey remember fucking me out of 80 dollars? She said fuck you you're a cabbie now and you have a duty to customer service. I said well just slip a hundo through the window.
She was absolutely livid. You can't do this. This is an assault. I NEED A RIDE HOME…. NOW. I was like yep I need my money back honey!
But what could she do? I drove away smiling. Karma, sometimes, is a mother!