My sweetest revenge? I got the guy….
This is my boyfriend. We’ve been together for about 3 years now. I’m young but I can safely say that I truly love him.
but it wasn’t easy getting here.
I had a friend who I considered to be my best friend. Let’s call her Jody. Well Jody and I did everything together. I thought she was my best friend, even though she stole my belongings, made fun of me, didn’t invite me to her parties, and made up rumors about me. I was blindly on her side.
in freshman year of high school I slowly started to get sick of her. How she was treating me, her attitude and her recklessness. But I wasn’t ready to let go, not until what I call “the big split.” A new guy moved to our school who I immediately was infatuated with and began a friendship with. I though she may have liked him but she said she didn’t “he wasn’t her type at all” … so she couldn’t right? She wouldn’t lie? Well she did (sort of). The day before my birthday closing night of a performance I was doing she *texts* me telling me she was going on a (romantic) date with him… to my show.
she continued to rub it in my face that she took him from me, and he stopped talking to me all together- I lost a romantic interest and a friend. I was dumbstruck. She was manipulative and toxic, and they eventually broke up. And so did we. I couldn’t handle her behavior after that anymore and I cut it off. I didn’t hear from the boy, or Jody, for the rest of freshman year. Until they broke up. Then this boy randomly started talking to me in the halls, texting me, and saying hi whenever he could. I was still madly in like with him, and this drive me crazy. Then one day I had a pool party and he showed up. I had a bad time and he consoled me and helped me through it staying up until obscene hours in the night to make sure I was ok. Then, he did it. He asked me on a date.
I was going to turn him down. As much as I liked him, I believed in my moral codes: don’t date a friends ex, even if that person is your ex-friend. Don’t try and hurt people or rub things in their faces.
But before I could say no, he told me everything else. How she had manipulated him into the relationship, forced him not to talk to me, threatened that if he spoke to me she’d break up with him, she talked bad about me to him, she flirted with his best friend and wouldn’t even go near him or on dates with him unless I was there. Then he told me that he liked me the whole time and still likes me. A lot.
So my best revenge?
saying yes. Walking into school the next year, with new, better friends, and the most caring boyfriend a girl could ask for.
my best revenge was getting happy.