I am American. I worked in Mexico, just across the border for five years. I saw a lot of things while I was there, but this moment always stands out.
There was a novelty and souvenir shop near the border. American visitors would come and buy knock off Rolex's and visit their “pharmacy.”They had a restaurant that was actually quite good.
I was meeting some folks for a meal there and up the stairway from the parking area to the shop a young Mexican boy, about 10 or 11, had this frightened American Mother and Daughter cornered. He was being nasty. He just kept saying all of the English cuss words he knew and it was obviously upsetting the pair as they seemed to be waiting for someone to come join them.
“Sh*t, Hell, F@&k you!…”The brat just kept going. I told him to get away and he trotted off.
A couple days later I was waiting in the traffic line to cross back into the States. Several vendors, window washers, and beggars looking to make some money while they had a captive audience in the form of a slow moving traffic line.
There he was! The little brat with the potty mouth. He was giving his best “Woe is me” face with his hand out looking for spare change.
My vehicle had tinted windows to combat the intense sun. He couldn't see me coming. I got up to the sad acting little booger and rolled down my window (he lit up expecting some $$$), looked him in the eye and said, “F@&k you” just like he had been saying to the Mother and Daughter a few days earlier.
He recognized me. His jaw dropped and I went laughing on my way.