Profile photo for Hanzō Smith

The GSD has been ruined by AKC!! all modern GSDs are cripples…

…said the uneducated. See this picture?? Ignore the dates, it’s literally all pictures of the same dog, just standing slightly differently in each picture (OP is hemingway the gsd on instagram if you dont believe me). This is a DDR working line dog.

Once again, the same dog just standing slightly different in each picture. This is a West German show line dog, if i remember correctly. ‘Straight back’ GSD owners, dont believe me? Try it yourself The GSD Stack

The german shepherd was bred for angulation of the hips and a low bend of stifle. This means that they are able to take very long steps. Long steps means that occasionally they will be stepping on their hocks. This does not mean they are unhealthy, or that they will be cursed with bad hips. Again, ‘straight back’ gsd owners, dont believe me? Film your shepherd walking or running and play it back in slow motion. If your dog’s hocks dont touch the ground at least once or twice, that dog is probably not a purebred GSD.

Once again, two pictures of the same dog. In the top picture he is in a three point stack, bottom picture he is in a two point stack. The three point stack only emphasizes angulation, it does not mean the dog is cursed with a curved spine. For anyone wondering, this is a DDR working line dog.

Yes, it is true that depending on line a dog might have more or less angulation (German Shepherd Lines). However, lots of angulation does not mean the dog has what is called a roach back. A roach back means that the dogs spine is actually curved due to extreme angulation. Angulation should be entirely in the hips but in this dog poor breeding led to curving of the spine. this should not be bred for and is a disqualification in all show rings.

This is what a roached GSD looks like. This is a dog that even when in a two point stack, their back still appears curved. Breed standard doesn’t allow this and judges should not permit dogs like this to title. A good breeder would never breed a dog that looks like this.

This dog’s back is not roached. While yes, it is extremely angulated to the point where it’s hocks are able to rest comfortably on the ground, it’s spine is straight. Remember, proper angulation is all in the hips and hind legs, it’s caused by short back legs, short bends of stifle, and hip sockets with a rather long range. The spine itself should always be straight.

The difference between these dogs is not in the spine but rather the hips and legs. The working line dog has longer back legs, longer bend of stifle to the ratio of the rest of the leg, and the hind legs rest differently in the hips than that of the show line dog. Both dogs have straight backs.

So what this question really should be asking is do you prefer a german shepherd with minimal angulation or extreme angulation, as even super angulated dogs should always have straight backs. And the answer to that is it really comes down to personal preference. As long as you are getting a dog from a good breeder who health tests and only breeds healthy dogs, things like joints and spine shouldn’t be a concern.

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