Have you seen Taiwan?
The only Chinese democracy™ has left-leaning and right-leaning parties, but they don’t align according to those labels.
Instead, you have two competing political factions — greens, who are anti-China and support Taiwanese independence, and blues, who are not anti-China and don’t support Taiwanese independence.
The greens coalesce around the DPP, while the blues coalesce around the KMT. The DPP is said to be a center-left or liberal party, while the KMT is said to be center-right or conservative.
But in reality, you’ll find greens across the spectrum — from the New Power Party, Green Party Taiwan, and Social Democratic Party, who are SJWs, to the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan whose members are socially conservative, to allegedly far-right parties such as the Taiwan Statebuilding Party, which claims to be a left-wing party but was accused of actually behaving like a right-wing populist party.
It’s tricky to assign Taiwanese parties like the TSP to the left or right, precisely because these designations don’t matter.
The greens have backed causes that are widely associated with left-wing movements elsewhere, such as the anti-nuclear movement that was really big in the early 2010s. Some of the loudest supporters of gay marriage in Taiwan, which was legalized in 2019, are greens, although some of the loudest opponents of LGBT rights, like the Presbyterian Church, are also greens.
At the same time, most greens are loud and proud anti-communists who obsess about defending Taiwan from Communist China, which is something you would expect the traditionally anti-communist KMT (or any militant right-winger) to do, and that is in fact what the KMT once did, until in a twist of fate the greens took their place as the party that checks for the CCP under their bed every night.
The DPP is incredibly close with the American political and military establishment; more recently, it has sucked up to the American right, because the right is very anti-China. Taiwan was one of the few places in the world where support for Trump was higher than support for Joe Biden.
Trump spent the entire election bashing China, so it doesn’t take a politics degree to figure out which Taiwanese supported him. Though it might surprise you that they are ostensible liberals, except that’s the point — they’re not the enlightened liberals or leftists some people make them out to be.
On the other side, the KMT is supposed to be “center-right” and “conservative,” but it doesn’t brag about being conservative, unlike many conservative parties in the West; nor has it officially identified with either the left or right.
The only common denominator for people who would consistently vote KMT appears to be opposition to Taiwanese independence, and that can come from both the left and right, especially if opposing Taiwanese independence is viewed as a bigger priority.
Among the extremely “pro-China” people, you have “red unification supporters” (红统) who support Chinese unification by the People’s Republic of China (Chinese Unification Promotion Party, Labor Party, Patriot Alliance Association), “blue unification supporters” (蓝统) who support unification by the Republic of China (older people in the KMT), and a “colorless” faction that is only interested in any peaceful settlement (New Party).
None of these groups make up a majority of the KMT or blue camp, most of whom are ideologically chill, but this shows how opposition to greens can bring all types of people together, just like how the greens can bring SJWs and borderline fascists together.
That’s Taiwanese politics for you. Color warfare over class warfare.