Favorite super-hero, decades of reading most all of his comics. · Author has 4.8K answers and 30.5M answer views · 8y ·
The worst? He’s not the worst Spider-Man. He’s not my favorite at all, but he’s also definitely not the worst.
His Spider-Man was spot on. Very enjoyable when he’s in the mask. His Peter Parker, on the other hand, was a lot less likable. It just didn’t feel right to me. It wasn’t terrible, and I wouldn’t really use the word “worst” to describe it, I just didn’t like it as much as I did with Tobey & Tom.
Live action Spider-Man portrayals.
- Tom Holland
He really nails it if you ask me. He plays both Spider-Man and Peter Parker perfectly in my opinion. I would rank his performance up there with Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man, Chris Evans as Captain America, & Hugh Jackman as Wolverine. It’s that good. In time I believe it will be just as iconic as well. - Tobey Maguire
He really brought the character to life. While he was a bit old to be playing a teenager he still nailed Peter Parker. I have zero problems with his performance playing him. His depiction as Spider-Man wasn’t quite right though. It wasn’t terrible, it just wasn’t great. It was very average. He still gets points though since he was the one to bring it to the big screen without it being terrible. - Andrew Garfield
Solid performance as Spider-Man. He took the role to new heights. His Spider-Man was much snarkier than Tobey’s and it was much appreciated by me. We finally got the Spider-Man we deserve. However, his portrayal of Peter wasn’t nearly so good. He lacked most of the nervousness I was used to seeing. He never really felt like the kind of kid who would get bullied. He was more like the kid who stands up to bullies. It just didn’t feel right. - Nicholas Hammond
Ok, this one is a bit cheating. I haven’t actually watched any of this beyond a couple of YouTube clips. From what I’ve heard and read though, it wasn’t very good. Granted, it was done in the 70’s so that probably factors into it. Still, it shows that Garfield definitely wasn’t the worst Spider-Man.
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