Happened with a woman I know, close friend of mine.
Her ex and she dated in college. He cheated on her with her younger sister. She broke up with him, and decided to marry guy who her parent choosed for her. Got engaged to the guy her parents choose for her. However, her love overpowered her anger, she called her ex one last to get back together. Her ex instead of being apologetic, blamed her for engaging other guy.
Angered she marries, the marriage turns out to be difficult but pretty. She have a baby girl, whole becomes centre of world for her husband and her. Years passed, with every passing day love for her husband grew. She completely forget about her ex.
But one day worst of worst happens, 20th year of marriage. Husband passes away due to cardiac attack. Women in shock, however with her daughter by her side she walks ahead with the pain of loss. Then after nowhere, her ex calls her up, to reconcile their friendship. The women all forgotten the past doesnt give a much thought. However, the daughter finds it weird, how after the death of her father, the ex wants to reconcile the friendship. The daughter shares the same with mother. However, the mother ignores.
Within the few days the ex showed his colors. The women, an independent working women was questioned her decision of working by the ex. He demanded her not to wotk, as women at meant for home. Not once in 20 years, her husband made her feel little, which the ex did in few days. She understood her mistake, kicked the ex out of her life.
So the shitty ex is out now! Did I mentioned the ex was married too, with 3 children. And none of his daughter were allowed study beyond 10th standard, married as soon as turned 18 years. His wife is never allowed to leave home.The women thanked her stars, for not marrying her the ex.