This is so petty I hate to admit this.
I had a neighbor that I was in a three-way “friend” triangle with. We would all hang out, then one of them would get mad at me, and get the other to stop talking to me. Then, they would fight and get mad about something between them, and one of them would come and make “friends” with me again. Eventually, all three of us would reconcile and start being friends again and the cycle would repeat.
Well, eventually I got tired of it and decided to let them have each other. I could not stand the drama.
But, I still had some residual resentment towards the whole thing.
I could see the front of one of their houses from one of the rooms in my house. I could see the street in front of the house, most of the front lawn, and the front door. For some reason, she started parking in front of her house instead of the driveway.
Well, one day, I saw her go out her front door, down the steps, walk right across the walkway to their driveway, disappear out of my field of vision down the driveway, and reappear going left to her car. I got a wicked idea. I got my phone and called her number. She could hear the phone ringing, and she got so excited she ran right across her lawn. Up the stairs, unlock the door, fling it open, run inside—and then I hung up.
She walked back to her car. Would she fall for it again? Well, let’s see.
She did.
Several times.
After all, it could have been our other “friend” calling and you don’t want to miss that.
I took pity on her and let her drive away.
I must say I found this so satisfying I did this repeatedly to her at various intervals when I was bored and she crossed my vision. I doubt she ever caught on because she always fell for it.
Yes, it was really really petty, but I was young. It was a harmless and wicked delight.