Profile photo for Baron von Johnson

I was called to the conference room. My boss, my supervisor, and a loss prevention manager were there. The loss prevention manager was the most pleasant person I have ever had the opportunity to meet, and he kept it up during this meeting; explaining things and being genuinely calm and pleasant. The other two, however, started being confrontational after every calm answer that I gave to the LP manager. They tried to paint a picture of the situation that just was not true. The LP manager just ignored their taunts, as I should have, and kept up his interview. I was not told that this was an exit interview. They tried to lead me to believe that i was being suspended for a couple of days and (although they didn't say so), demoted from management. My direct supervisor even set me up by telling me to change anything that I desired in her store. At the end of the interview the LP manager shook my hand and thanked me. I thanked him for being so cordial. I walked over to my direct supervisor, and held out my hand. She gave me such a look, I figured that she thought I was going to bite her head off or something. I merely shook her hand and said thank you. - THAT WAS MY BEST REVENGE NUMBER ONE.

After two days my manager called to tell me that I had been let go. I figured he would have asked me to come in. I wanted a chance to shake his hand and thank him for the last 8 years. Instead, I had to suffice with telling him over the phone how much I appreciated his leadership and the professional way he handled things (he didn't handle this professionally, but I wasn't trying to be sarcastic, just genuinely gentlemanly). -THAT WAS THE BEST REVENGE NUMBER TWO

Kill them with kindness, they don’t know what to do.

After searching for jobs, I was told by an interviewer that my previous employer fired me for theft. I was taken aback. I went home, and my denial letter from the unemployment office was there. I took it back to the interviewer and showed her what it said. So, my previous employer was trying to keep me from getting another job. I didn't get that job, but I took the unemployment denial letter with me to every interview. I landed a better job than the one which I got denied because of my employers actions. I now make more money than my last supervisor, and I have started my own business. - THAT is the best revenge number three.

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