In the 1970’s when I was working nights. Every morning when I was just going to bed at about 7am the man that rented rooms in house next door upon waking up would play music with singing very loudly directly on the other side of my bedroom wall. I asked him to stop politely explaining the situation. He lived alone worked in the theatre and was a highly strung effeminate sort of person easily offended that always wanted to get his own way, so totally ignored me.
I tried everything blocks of wood against my side of the wall drilling holes in blocks with power hammer drill when music started, banging with hammer at the same time! Nothing would stop him.
He always went to bed about 11pm to midnight when I could not hear any sound from next door when I was going to work.
One Sunday night when I knew he would be up at 7am for work on the Monday I invited my brother around with an army Bugle
He borrowed as could play the trumpet. I locked the front door and windows of terraced house. Closed curtains so house was completely dark. I waited with my brother for it all to go quite next door between about 12-1am my brother let rip with Bugle calls directly in front of the wall for about 2 mins. Then stopped so as not to upset anyone else nearby house was blacked out so would not know where coming from. We heard him scream and a sound like falling out of bed or knocking over furniture, Ran down the stairs and into the street came to my front door banging on it and shouting abuse. This was a quite London suburb residential area no shops or pubs nearby. Quite a few neighbours must have called the police as cars came from all directions, sort of response you would get for robbery or murder at that period. We kept very quiet in house no lights or anything to show anyone home. We could hear him through front door telling police about noise screaming and shouting, but did not answer police knocking and they had no reason to force way in as other neighbours said seen or heard nothing. He was told to go back inside and keep quite or would be arrested for a breach of the peace. My brother crept out about an hour later and drove home when all quite. Never heard or saw man again or anything from neighbours. He left about 2 weeks later.