I don't believe in revenge, it is a waste of time. No revenge involved. I just knew my job, but for some odd reason there were several people who conspired to make sure I got fired. My employers fired me because I spent more money on a job than what the contract originally called for, I had told them it was way under bid and that we couldn’t do it for the price they agreed on. They wouldn’t listen in the beginning of the contract, and they wouldn’t listen when I kept coming to them trying to explain why we couldn’t pull the contract off. So I finally did what had to be done to get the job done. And when the bill came in I had no job. When I got fired I went back into the Airforce. It was 1979 soon to be 1980 and jobs were hard to find. The owners of the business I was fired from called me up saying they had made a mistake. They even offered me a raise. The problem was I had already reenlisted. Because I was what was holding that company together, they soon went out of business. I had constantly scrambled to make one contract after another hold together, stayed up late at night working out problems or smoothing over situations. When I left it was in good health. I put two hundred percent into the business. I had a new born daughter and I needed the job so I worked hard to keep the company going. When I was fired a lot of my contacts and outside resources went with me. The owners had no clue how to hold the company together, and the people who worked so hard to get rid of me were less than useless. They still blame me for the company falling apart. I guess in a way that’s true, because without me they couldn’t hold it together. The sad part was that I constantly tried to get my bosses to pay attention to what I was doing and what was going on with the company. It wasn’t like I hid anything from them, I wanted them involved and to participate. But they were too busy with other things to pay attention and I was told not to bother them with petty things. So when they fired me they had no clue what to do and it didn’t take them long to figure it out. It took them even less time to figure out the people who got me fired didn’t have a clue what to do. If it hadn’t been for my daughter being born I might have told them to go stick it earlier on. But like I said, jobs were hard to find and I needed the work. I was way over my head on that job, I was constantly having to learn on the fly and I wasn’t getting any help from the people that were supposed to know what they were doing. Being fired and not having a clue what I was going to do, and with a new born daughter I was scrambling to look for work. I had not even thought of going back into the Airforce but when I got fired it was the best option at the time. When I found out that I could reenlist it was like a giant weight had been lifted from my shoulders. When my ex employers called me up to come back it was just icing on the cake.