Profile photo for Angelica Black

I lived below this one couple for a few months back in Nov of 2012. The man would come in drunk most weekends, stomping up the main stairs outside of my mother’s bedroom window, slamming open the main door to the divided house/apartment building, slamming the main door closed, stomping up the stairs outside of our front door, slamming open his apartment door at the top of the stairs and then slamming it closed. I was finally fed up with it all when he started doing this during the week when my son was sleeping and he had his music on full blast, speakers pointed at the floor, because they wanted our apartment because of the washer/dryer hookups. I told them no, they couldn’t use my washer and dryer on several occasions, because it was MY electricity and water that went into running it and they’d basically be doing their smelly clothes in my washer for free. So he got it in his head to point the speakers at the floor, just to piss us off. I let it go one night until midnight (He usually turned the music off at 11pm). I called the cops for excessive noise at 12:01am, because my son was awake because of this noise and he had school the next day. They came out and issued him a warning and left. He flew up the stairs, making as much noise as one human could possibly make. I called the cops again when the music started back up at 1:30am. They came out and issued him a ticket for disturbing the peace. He ripped up the ticket and threw it in the cop’s face. Cop issued him a littering ticket, along with another disturbing the peace ticket. He screamed and flew up the stairs, smashed a glass entertainment center, smashed pretty much everything in his apartment and I went out and told the police “he’s destroying the place upstairs. It sounds like glass shattering and something heavy just fell against the floor.” Police went up and arrested him for public intoxication and drunk and disorderly conduct, because he was found to have an open container of alcohol outside of the property. His wife showed the police the container of alcohol (guessing she was sick of his sh*t too?) Police asked for the landlord’s number. His wife willingly gave it to them. The police called the landlord. At 2 in the morning. The landlord wasn’t happy. He filed eviction for destruction of property the very next morning, told the wife to go to a friend’s house and changed the locks that afternoon. He told the couple they would get their stuff back as soon as the man paid for the damages that he made to the apartment. The stuff was still there, 30 days later. The couple never came back for it. Landlord sold off what he could, made the repairs himself and moved in a nice single mom and her daughter soon after the repairs were made and the apartment put back on the rental market. Not sorry to see that couple kicked out. He hated everything about me, because I was outspoken and wouldn’t cower to his demands. -shrugs- Oh well. Don’t mess with my kids.

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