Not me, but my neighbor. We both have properties that are long and narrow (~130′ x 960′). On my side is undeveloped land with some cattle, and lots of deer and other wildlife (even a new family of foxes!). On D’s side is a subdivision that was recently created.
My neighbor (call him D) had a huge pile of brush that he moved to the street for the quarterly brush pick up. One of the neighbors, whose backyard abutted D’s, asked D if he would start his new brush pile in a different location (it was directly in the line of sight to his back porch) because he bought the house in part because of the unobstructed and nice view.
D’s was laughing as he told me this. He has several animal trailers, a tractor, and other large equipment and he moved them all so they would obstruct the old guys' view. “nobody is going to tell me what to do”. What an ass.
In unrelated pettiness on his part, I had an 8′ privacy fence erected between our properties. As did several other neighbors. (Their homes abutted on the length of his property-the 960′).