In the early 2000’s, I was working for an Army hospital as a civilian. My supervisor was an E-8. He came to me and said for me to grab a broom and sweep up the shop. I explained to him that because we are a union I could not do the job of another union member (housekeeping). He kept hounding me with “I am your supervisor and an E-8 in the army and you will do as I say.” This kept up for the whole day. Finally I got tired of it and told him if he did not quit bothering me I would quit (I already had another job offer for more money but like this job because my wife also worked there) He kept up so I went over to my computer and wrote out my resignation effective immediately. He asked what I was doing and I told him “I quit”. He then told me I cannot quit. “professionalism dictates I give him two weeks notice” I told him “you find me a professional and I’ll give him two weeks notice. The entire department was listening because we were getting loud and they all busted up laughing. He told me he would make sure that I never work anywhere in the area again. At the time, I was the VP of our local association so I knew he could do nothing.
Two years later, he was retiring and started looking for a civilian job. I let everyone know what an ass he was and nobody would hire him. He ended up going to Hawaii to work there. I got a call from the staff there because he had been in charge there before he came to our shop and now he was low man on the totem pole. They made his life a living H#11.