Not my story but a story my sister told me about a year ago. This also was not intentional revenge or even revenge, just a way to laugh at the company later on.
My sister managed a burger joint in a Colorado resort town, I had actually been in there when she managed it while on vacation once. She had major problems with corporate since most of the restaurants of this brand were in Denver or the Springs they had larger buildings and could accommodate the new menu they tried every couple weeks. But my sister building was a part of a strip mall and very small, had nowhere near enough space for what corporate wanted but since her store was the first in this brand they weren't too keen on closing it. Finally after months of having no employees and corporate being an asshole they fired her and moved in a new direction with a new manager they hired from Denver.
About a month or 2 after she got fired she got a call from the hood cleaning service that cleans the hoods above the stove. She told them she doesn’t work there, gave the stores number and thought that was it. A month later she gets another call asking to confirm the appointment, again she informs them she doesn’t work there, you might want to try calling the store. A couple weeks later and she’s getting calls almost everyday and just says screw it and blocks the number. The new manager has been there for 3 months now and was informed of the hood cleaning requirements so he should’ve been taking care of it.
Nope, he never called, the only call he made regarding the hoods was to the fire department after they caught on fire and burned the building down. They tried to blame it on the hood cleaning company, but they had appointments that weren’t kept by the restaurant and had actually tried to contact the store but was always ignored, next step of blame was my sister but with the proper documentation that she informed the new manager of the cleaning she was let off the hook.
Every time she goes past the burned out building (which still hasn't been repaired more than a year later) she just shakes her head and laughs at how stupid that company was.