Not me, but a guy I worked with a long time ago.
It was a brokerage firm in Seattle (long gone now). My friend was their computer operator, which at this time was a big mainframe in-house system with cables that ran under the floor out to the various terminals.
Management, in their infinite wisdom, decided to fire him, and THEN decided that he was going to work the night shift on his last day. Work all night, be gone in the morning.
When we got in that next morning, he was gone, all right. And nothing worked.
He had spent part of the night cutting the heads off of dozens of boxes of small pins. And the rest of the night lifting the floor tiles and pounding those headless pins into the main cable that tied the whole system together, shorting out everything.
They spent days trying to find and pull out all those fine pins before finally giving up and replacing the entire cable.