What’s the best revenge you’ve gotten after being fired or let go from a job?
I actually quit because the owner had made it intolerable to continue to work for him. I was his controller and after his brother-in-law retired became the CFO. His brother-in-law and I kept him pretty much in check for four years. We got rid of his long time secretary/lover with whom he would get into yelling matches in the office . We watched him try and screw everything with a skirt. Put up with a Jackass drawing above the men’s urinal and other stupid childish actions. The final straw was when he interrupted a meeting with vendors to scream at me about nothing serious.
So I found a better paying job and quit.
I had championed and put in place a bonus program for the sales people. It worked great: in the four years I was there the company quadrupled sales and took the bottom line from a loss to a substantial profit.
Within 60 days after I left he killed the bonus program. Ninety days later the sales manager and half the sales force went to a direct competitor taking all their clients. Sixty days later the company was in bankruptcy.
Could not, and would not, have happened to a better man. I only feel sorry for the employees still there when it went under.