Many years ago I was working in the Middle East when I was offered a fresh challenge in Latin America, as I spoke Spanish and Portuguese I felt this was a good move.
I arrived at my new job and to my surprise they had already decided to double my asking salary….good start but anyways. After 6 months of hard work and increasing sales I asked the boss for a working visa as the one I was on had almost expired to which he agreed. I was given all the documentation and $2000 for expenses and flew to England.
My visa was ready and stamped into my passport so I headed back. After my second day back I was informed my services were no longer needed and to please pack up and wait for the driver to escort me from the premises. This I did and was bundled into the car and headed home, I was bundled out of the car without stopping!!!!
The following day, covered in bruises I went to speak to a friend of mine about my situation so I agreed to meet his lawyer to evaluate my position, she agreed, I had a strong case of ‘‘unfair dismissal’ and ‘‘physical abuse’ … the fight was ON!
My lawyer drew up the documentation and delivered them to my ‘ex’ company; in return they had their lawyer draw up documents accusing me of ‘being an illegal alien in the country’! Sure enough, the visa issued to me in London by the embassy was false, it belonged to a Brazilian worked based in the Amazon.
The following day, fortunately I wasn’t home the police and Head of Immigration appeared at my door with an ‘arrest and deportation warrant’! Upon receiving this information I went into hiding for 10 days until a short term visa was issued.
Knowing I had avoided arrest my ex company stated that I had never worked for them but when I produced a copy of my pay cheque that was thrown out. Next(lawyer #2) stated I had sexually abused a member of staff — no one came forward — dismissed. Next(lawyer #3) stated that I had caused a fight in the office — no one came forward — dismissed.
At this point I had informed a Daily newspaper about my situation and they sent over a reporter to record my story. He was shocked that an embassy in London was issuing fake visas to Brits in a British passport but with an ongoing case there was nothing they could do; I promised to keep in touch and if something bad was to happen then the passport would be delivered to him.
Anyways, to cut an already long story short after 18 months of battle and having to move various times often going into hiding the final straw was bribery. My ex company knowing I had all the evidence I needed decided (lawyer #4) to bribe the judge; what they didn’t know was my lawyer’s father was the senior judge of the district so upon being told this ended the case and ruled in my favour.
Now the revenge.
The judge asked both parties to agree to a settlement in his chambers but I requested it be done in the company office. They had a very open plan, glassed, 3 story building with the accounts dept. very central on the second floor. So mid morning around the conference table the judge asked me to write down what I wanted in compensation, my ex company was asked the same question and he was given the 2 pieces of paper. He calculated a mid point and asked if that was acceptable. I asked one question ‘would that be cash?’ The judge agreed, they had to pay me in cash, that day!
So an hour later a large brown envelope was handed to my lawyer and we counted the $100’s, it took us 45 minutes in total. During the counting process I glanced upwards and saw my ex colleagues at the ‘walls’ smiling and giving me the thumbs up; they had been told I was a thief and had returned to England!!!
With the dollars in my account I opened a bar in the city just to say ‘‘I’m staying here!”
I was approached by a writer a few years ago if I would like to sell my story but as I had signed a 20 year silence agreement, I refused, but if anyone is interested then please get in touch. There are many more details but that would take too long and I wouldn’t want to bore you!
Thanks for reading