I have given 6 exams and managed to score 99+ %ile in 4 of them. These were my scores:
NMAT:99 %ile, Score 230
CAT: 95.6%ile
IIFT: 98.1%ile
SNAP: 99.81%ile
Mh-CET: 99.86%ile
XAT: 99.1%ile
I had joined a coaching class and had additionally prepared through 2–3 test series. Personally I found solving as many test series as possible to be more helpful than the lectures. In last 5–6 months, I used to give atleast 1 full length test every day, and spent rest of my time on analysing my score and practicing more on my weak areas.
As for the best class Ive recently seen Best MBA CET Class | The Bodhi Tree online coaching doing rounds among my juniors, This is created by some very talented folks from IIT, IIM, FMS and other bschools and offers new age solutions like performance analysis and one to one mentoring. I would suggest you combine The Bodhi Tree coaching+ Test Series with one or two more of the other test series, to build a comprehensive prep plan.