While taking a competitive exam like CET, accuracy is very critical. You must be aware of all the concepts and should be to recall them under pressure.
CET tests your speed. So, along with accuracy, speed is also very important. Solving a question under 40 seconds is quite difficult. Hence, question selection becomes a key factor in determining your success. Within 10 seconds you must be able to identify whether to solve or leave a question. Know your strength area and first solve the easy questions.
The Bodhi Tree will help you prepare for D-Day with their specially curated mocks and concepts videos. It is a venture by JBIMS and IIT alums and has the best preparation material. They will teach you the core concepts and how to apply them under limited time, which will increase your speed as well as accuracy. The learning material is regularly updated, so keep with changing question patterns. You can visit their site through the following link