A sister-in-law, who I despised and who had all but destroyed her own (third) marriage, suggested for Christmas one year that, instead of drawing names for the gift exchange, everyone should make a donation to Toys for Kids. Several people (not me) protested because their kids wouldn’t be exchanging gifts and we knew she was saying this just to be righteous and could avoid buying anyone a gift. So we drew names and, of course, I drew her name. On Christmas Day, everything was joyous and kids were ripping thru paper, as families usually do, and everyone was loud and happy. She opened her gift and found exactly what she asked for: I made a donation to Toys for Kids in her name. The happiness continued for everyone else, but she sat, sulking, for the rest of the day. To this day, her ex-husband tells me, every Christmas, that his favorite gift ever was when his ex-wife received a gift to charity in her name.