I was a chubby kid. My mother was (still is) an excellent cook and baker, and I almost always overindulged and my folks didn’t mind, as they couldn’t afford much in regards to the latest and greatest toys or clothing trends, it was a way to compensate for it. Coupled with the fact I was never overly athletic, it made for a chubby kid.
During school, being the “poor” and “fat” kid made me a natural target for bullies. One kid in particular was the nastiest, and because he was from a wealthy family and was a star athlete, his bullying always got a pass, and he never quit, until I went to high school and could blend in with 2000 other students.
Fast forward 10–12 years. I had recently finished my apprenticeship and had my Journeperson Electrician license, made great money, had a brand new loaded GMC truck, and thanks to years of bending conduit and pulling cable 10 hours a day, could pass for a regular gym rat. I stopped at a gas station by our home town one weekend on a family visit, and after paying for the fuel as I was walking back out to my truck, I hear a familiar voice. It’s the old bully of years gone by. He looked like he had gained about 100lbs, slipped laundry day for a month, and had a few rotted teeth, and driving a beat up little car that barely ran. He asked me how I’ve been, and my answer was I’ve been doing awesome. Sorry, gotta go. Hopped in my new truck, and laughed all the way to my folks place.
I didn’t really get revenge on him, the universe did it for me.
I also apologize for the inarticulate writing!