I was pregnant with my first son, and sick EVERYDAY. I threw up after every meal, after waking up, after sitting up, I threw up if I smelt any fragrances or at the smell of other people’s cooking. It was like this til the day he came out of me. My husband was amazing getting me anything I’d ask for because he knew how ill I felt. One day at around the 5 month mark I had just finished my morning ritual of morning sickness and a craving hit me…..I wanted so very very bad a Wendy’s jr. bacon cheeseburger. My husband thrilled that I asked for something after just upchucking jumped into his car and went to the restaurant to get it for me. As he walked back into our house he handed me the Wendy’s food bag and I ripped into it….only I didn’t find a jr bacon cheeseburger I found a regular cheeseburger. I looked up at him in complete disgust crumpled up the bag and threw it into our coffee table. I screamed at him saying that it WAS NOT RIGHT! Onions and pickles and mustard no bacon! How could he do this to me? Did he like seeing me ill? Was it some kind of malicious dark joke he was playing on me?
He looked at me in utter shock and did not say a word. He picked up the bag ate the burger himself and quickly left to go get me the RIGHT burger.
He is an amazing husband and never even asked me about my fit once he returned. 3 sons later I am still with him and he is an amazing father.