I would ask y'all not to judge me, but I don't know if it's possible not to.
I was seven months pregnant and the food cravings were strong. My husband, being the kind man that he is, was always really, really great about getting me a little something special every time he went to the grocery store.
But, one day he didn't. He said he totally forgot.
I was a little (ahem…a lot) irked, but I let it go. Well, as much as a pregnant lady who really wanted a Snickers could let it go.
That night, I tossed and turned for hours. I was big. Very big. I needed to pee. I was hungry (damn Snickers) and my husband’s breathing was getting on my nerves.
So, I decided I would do a load of laundry.
I was throwing everything in when I noticed my husband’s wallet was still in his pants. Because I care about his gas station free coffee punch card, I removed the wallet lest it be ruined. Out fell a receipt.
For some reason (some may say the Snickers gods compelled me) I looked over the receipt. It was from my husband’s store run earlier that day.
Oh my God. I stormed back in the bedroom and flipped on the light.
“YOU ATE IT?!?!?” I fumed.
My husband popped his head up, “What? Are you okay?”
“Am I okay?!?!”
“Babe, it's 3 in the morning. What are you talking about?”
“You didn't forget to buy me a candy bar! YOU ATE IT!!!”
Cue his instant look of guilt.
I was so pissed, I made him sleep on the couch for the first time ever.
He bought me three candy bars the next day. Almost three years later, I sometimes cast him a look and say, “How could you?”
He rolls his eyes because he knows exactly what I'm talking about.