I lived in an apt house in Bklyn with private homes lining the street behind the house. I was home afternoons after teaching and studying or trying to nap for evening classes. Every afternoon there were dogs barking continually all afternoon having been left out in all kinds of weather. Walking up the block I located the house & name of the people with the barking dogs. I located a phone number and tried calling and asking for the dogs to be housed, at least during inclement weather, and was told to f… off.
So….I called the local ASPCA and the police station. Each said they could do nothing. What to do?
I recalled years before I’d worked in a record store and a popular 45 RPM record called “Jingle Bells” with the Barking Dogs. I bought the record and started anonymously calling the guilty house 1 or 2 in the morning. Within a week the dogs were no longer barking!
Problem solved!