This is nearly 50 years ago now. I was taught to drive by several members of my family. The others were fine, but my father was especially nervous. I’d be driving smoothly down the road and he would suddenly yell out “watch out for such and such (it could be absolutely anything)”. I didn’t mind the warning itself, but to be yelled out at the top of his voice was a little disconcerting. I stood it for weeks before I decided to act.
One day I was driving down a four lane highway. He was sitting next to me. There was no traffic in sight. Suddenly he yelled “Watch out!”. I was ready this time. Instantly I locked all four wheels (you could do that in the cars of those days) and spun the car, yelling as we were was sliding sideways to a stop: “What’s wrong? What’s wrong? What’s wrong!!!!”
As we sat there in the car pointing diagonally the wrong way on this empty highway, he sheepishly replied: “Nothing. I was just worried.”
He was a little less reactive after that.