I was unjustifiably fired (I know, who isn’t unjustifiably fired) but this was a sales role that THEY sold me in to, I was desperate for cash at the time and they were pressuring me to take it in the interview (first red flag). So due to my finances I accepted. Anyway, 2 days into my tenure they fired the woman who hired me. They gave me a load of BS about why they let her go but this was the second red flag which I ignored.
A couple of weeks after that the Director of the company scheduled a meeting with me just for a catch-up. No problem, except I over-ran a call with a client (I’ve always been told the client comes first) and so was 5 minutes late. Director was furious. “I’m your boss, when I say jump you say how high”. Third red flag ignored….
Anyway, the sales role was tough. It wasn’t the best product anyway but I certainly made the effort, was making 3x as many outbound calls as any other rep there.
One day I woke up with severe back pain. I have sciatica and it genuinely comes and goes whenever it pleases, sometimes not for months. Anyway one morning I woke up and it was searing. I could barely move. Naturally I called in sick but made it clear I wanted to still work and could do so from home as I had laptop and phone. They said it was fine no need to work just rest up. Four hours later I get the phone-call telling me I’m sacked.
I told the Director on the phone exactly what I thought of him and his business. I then followed this up in an email. I then wrote a scathing review on the company on Glassdoor. But none of this was enough for me, indeed the email and review I considered to be too petty to be considered revenge, and the phone call was just a natural reaction which I believe most people would have done.
So I upped my game. In my final act I hired a hacker/programmer, and got him to create a bot to DDOS the hell out of their website for a week, in addition to getting him to ping their telephone lines all day so they couldn’t take any actual business calls, or receive any inquiries on their website.
I know he knows it was me. But he could never prove it.