It wasn't me who did this but a person that I saw in the office. I didn't know him well but he was a bit of what I would call a “wild child". I don't know why I use that term he was in his young twenties and funny but immature. I was in my late 40s. We were both real estate agents. The broker owner really just did not like him. He did nothing wrong he sold properties he was good with buyers and sellers he had a great smile he was polite he was honest he was courteous…but she just did not like him and it was her company. Keep in mind we are all independent contractors we make no salary unless we sell something. Anyway she decided to terminate the relationship. That evening before he returned the office key. He went into the office and unplugged everything. We had a few early computers plus we had multiple listing computers Plus all of the phone systems connected to the wall plugs. He unplugged everything in the office. Then he put clear super glue he painted it over all of the outlets. Then he put small amounts of tuna that he took out of the can and placed that throughout all the offices in hidden spaces. We used several typewriters in those days mainly to address envelopes. He also applied super glue to all the keys in the typewriter. He went to the lady's restroom and he loosened both the toilet seats just so they would be a bit uncomfortable. Now even in those days she had some video on the outside of the building but not inside. She could never prove that he did it I'm not totally sure he did it but I'm pretty certain. While it was very immature it is kind of humorous it's inappropriate. But on the other hand she made about 30 or $40,000 a year from him with her portion of the commissions. So I don't know. I've always thought it's a big world I don't have to like someone to work with them.