I was twelve at the time. My mom took me with her to her job on the set of one the first skatefilms.Since i couldnt skate i just hung around the park and read magazines the photographer gave me. So on the second day there i walk back to my mums car when one of the local skater kids who were hired as extras comes to me and tells me to give him the magazine and my wallet. I tell him no and kindly ask him to go F**k himself. He swings at me and misses I had been on judo lessons since i was 6 so i floor him and hold him down. His mates come out and start making fun of him. i keep him pinned to the ground untill they tell me its ok. i ve made my point let him go and its over. So i let him go and continue my walk to the car. The next day I m smart enough to not wander away from the set. Untill some guy approaches me and asks me to follow him wich I the idiot that I am do. we walk inbetween the trees and yes there he is the guy from yesterday. (sam). I m thinking he want s some more so i get ready to fight at that moment i see some other guys appearring from in between the trees and a fist coming to my face. the next thing i know is that everything hurts and sound guy from the crew is bringing me to my mother. we leave that night having finished filming there.
Fast forward 20 years
Im a foreman in a small factory in the same town where they shot the film. Never really gave it any thoughts cause i lived in the big city nearby and just commuted in and out every day without ever visiting the town center. One Day the boss comes down to bring me two new workers. I try to fit them in but they are both stubborn rednecks with bad personal hygiene. after some days the first one gets fired because he refuses to wash his hands. I get the second one to try and get him on the right track. Sam as he is called start by scratching my new molds almost killing our gelcoat sprayer with the clark and messing up production. Next thing he does is brag abou how he is a moviestar cause he played in a skate movie 20 years ago. Ding goes my bell. Its him!
Went up to the office explained everything and asked the boss politly. And he was out the door that same day for grove misconduct, no right to unemployment no pay other then the days he worked for us.