So today I was playing basketball with a couple of my friends, when a couple of cocky high school kids asked if they could play with us. My friends were kind of hesitant at first, but once I assured them that we could beat them they were more than happy to play them.
Before the arrogant high school boys stepped onto the court I shot and made three three pointers just to show them who they were messing with. We began to play 3 on 3 and to the shock of the high schoolers, me and my friends were winning. They started to get mad and began insulting my friends and being the most disrespectful I had seen anyone in a long time.
Shortly after our victory they challenged one of my friends to a game of one on one and started acting super disrespectful. So I told my friend that I would not let this guys disrespectful behavior continue. My friend let me play one on one against this guy and that is when the vengeance comes into play.
This guy guy thought he was so the LeBron James of us all, when in reality he was no where close. He told me we were playing to 3 points where threes were 2 points and anything below the 3 point line was 1 point. I let him go first, because I wanted to be the bigger person. He air balled his first shot and that is when I say, “your range is worse than Shaq’s”. This guy got mad and that is when I shot and made a three. So the score was 2 to 0 and this kids pride was on the line. He shoots another three and air balls, worse than his first one. I get the rebound, take the ball to the top of the key, and in the guys face make the 3 ending the game with the score of 4 to 0. The sweet moment of shock on the kids face was glorious and me beating knowing that he had been disrespectful to my friends made it all the better. He was so mad and his pride was hurt so much that he left the court along with his friends.
Moral of the story is don’t be rude to people cause you never know who is gonna be better than you at what you do.