After having a nagging feeling that he was cheating on me we had a big fight, where he denied everything until he got fed up with me not leaving him alone, he finally confessed. That night was the definite and final discard of me. He said I “became boring and fat and lazy” and that I “should read more books”. Of course I became all that after going through years of heartbreak after heartbreak and a very lonely and stressful pregnancy. Never mind the feeling of being like a single mother for 5 years of the child’s s life. A single mum, who for some reason was still expected to cook and clean, do the husband’s laundry, and satisfy him in the bedroom on demand. Such a life runs you down and I had no idea why I just became nothing, feeling nothing, just wishing the day to end. I became boring, so he went and got a new fresh interesting young girl. Sooner or later she will be called boring too. They are having an ‘oopsie baby’ this summer.