In middle school, I thought I had this friend who was truly a friend. Obviously he turned out not to be. For the sake of attention and to be considered the class clown, he picked on me. At first it was a shock as we were friends, but I soon became almost a daily target. In front of class he would speak of how ugly I was, my speech impairment (lisp), and comment of my body. Ya, ouch. I was only 14 and I had a guy comment of and how my body should. Absolutely traumatizing. Once I told him to shut up in front of everyone and called him fat, ya go me, 14 year old me knew best. He replied saying at least I don't have a mustache like you. That mustache was just hyperpigmentation that I had developed out of the blue and that too on my upper lip. It was a low blow as he latched onto my newest insecurity. What's worse was that I knew then I was ugly and I believed it as he confirmed it constantly.
Fast forward to the beginning of college, I get message from this guy. I hadn't spoken to him since 8th grade and here he is, sliding into my dms. He immediately spoke of how much I have changed and how pretty I look in my pictures. I knew where this was heading and correctly, he asked for pictures of me. Yeah a big fat no loser. He asked what was the problem in sending pictures and I said I know what you were talking about so no. It was as if he revered himself as some sort of God and thought I would pay heed to his words and submit. Honestly, what was he on? Anyway I told him off and again he asked for it that too with why won't you. Crazy right? I told him a no is a no but he didn't understand from that. Knowing that I still had to speak to him in his own language, I mean I spent like 5 years rehearsing a comeback then in 8th grade, I stated that I wasn't interested in him and that you're not my type at all. I have standards and self respect for myself.
Yep, your girl got him.