I started a job as a supervisor of a VIP breakfast lounge in an upscale hotel. One of my coworkers approached me the first day (no, the first HOUR) to say she wouldn't work with so-and-so because they were so lazy. I promised to carefully observe and address it if needed, but… the girl she identified was never lazy. She worked hard as well.
Fast forward, this girl who on my first day demanded not to work with another person, lies constantly, reiterates information to my team as though I said it (when I did not), and overall just had a problem with authority. Everything I recommended, she questioned or argued about. Even things that I made clear to her that came from upper management were debated.
Someone finally explained to me (months into the job) that she was pissed because she had applied for supervisor but instead they'd given it to me. And, she thought I was absolutely retarded and did not want to work beneath me. I remained professional with her and didn't react to the information. It gave context but I had no other use for it.
In the end, she went to upper management and repeated all of her complaints for the millionth time. You see, little did I know, but she'd been reporting my “mistakes” (lies, misrepresentations and a tiny bit of truth) the entire time we had been working together. This time, however, she added that she wouldn't work with me and handed in her notice.
Well, the joke was on her because a week later when she saw they weren't going to fire me just to keep her, she stated she wanted to rescind her notice.
Management then ASKED ME if they should allow her to rescind her notice. I admitted that I felt she was a negative energy within the team and really had hurt morale. That I had been looking forward to things improving and running smoother, and everyone relaxing, and that in fact, the team didn't want her either. (They were over the petty drama).
And since I had been professional, silent, and NOT petty the whole time, they took my word for it.
So, they didn't let her rescind her notice.
Little did she know, I had already gotten another job offer and wouldn't be around to deal with her or not, whether she stayed or left.
Once she was finally officially removed from the company, I gave my notice.
Management joked, “Hey! Maybe Olga will come back?”
But they didn't invite her.
In fact, she couldn't find another job in beautiful Austin, so she had to move back to Arizona.
And that's what happens when jealousy literally ruins shit for you.
Sidenote: Ariana Grande has a music video with a prelude showing people talking about the crazy things they've done to imitate her. One of the characters specifically says, “Ariana Grande broke off an engagement. So I found a guy to propose to me and I broke off an engagement.”
She looks (and in a way, sounds) just like Olga.