My best friend and I were at a pub, when one tall guy started to bash her appearance and call her the ugliest names, without any provocation.
The other guys did nothing, so I told her that we are leaving NOW. At the same time I swore to get revenge on him some day (in my mind).
Fastforward five years. I had forgotten the incident years ago.
One night I was at the pub wearing high heels and carrying two heavy bags. It was difficult to carry them when drunk and wearing high heels.
I made it to the bus stop and in the bus I swore that someone else is going to carry my bags. A handsome dude sits beside me and starts flirting with me. “He will do just perfectly” I thought and he was more than happy to go home with me - and carry my heavy bags.
To show my gratitude I slept with him. When waking up in the morning the dude was still there so I made him breakfast and said goodbye to him after that, thinking he understood it was a one night stand (I am definitely not an easy woman who sleeps around).
The dude got obsessed with me, he was every night behind the door ringing the door bell and then banging the door, shouting through the mailbox how much he loved me and other yada yada. When he figured out I would not open the door, he started showing up in the middle of the night shouting my name and waking up all the neighbors. It took ages before he got the message that I am NOT interested in him.
While his obsession was ongoing I suddenly remembered why he looked so familiar to me: It was the same dude who mocked and bashed my best friend in front of others in a pub, the dude I swore will get my revenge on.
My intention was not to take revenge on him when meeting him on the bus, definitely not. I didn’t recognize him, only measured that he is a big guy who can easily carry my heavy bags (I’m a petite girl).
Nor was I taking revenge on him when refusing to open the door and let him inside. But in retrospect that is exactly what happened. I got my revenge on him.
People, be careful when you swear to something. You might just get what you ask for when you least expect it.
Had I recognized him in the bus he would be dumped right there. But I got my revenge and have ever since been careful not to do it again.