I’m not the malicious, and revengeful type. I’m the victim getting spit on, and picked on and bullied all the time. I’m the sulking, and holding it in and then letting it go type.
But.. with me I have seen it in reverse, and it’s people doing malicious intent, and bullying me, and getting revenge for no “ reason” on me after the incident. What happened?
Well.. this girl I use to be friends with, and this guy David.. went to taco bell one day, and My ex friend Sherry had a “ nose bleed”, and found out she had a kidney stone.. issue, and needed to go to the hospital.
Me, and my friend David.. were eating, and i was concern about Sherry because she’s been in the bathroom for the longest time.
I went inside the bathroom, and there’s blood all over the floor, and on the toilet seat, and she was bleeding from her nose.
I grabbed her, and lifted her up, and said.. “ David.. we need to take Sherry to the hospital” there’s blood all over her, and in the bathroom.
So.. Me, and David and Sherry ran to St. Joseph Hospital, and there’s a waiting list, and I found out she was trying to kill herself, and she was taking her mother’s prescription medication, and she said she was coming with a cold, and I told her.. you shouldn’t be taking your mother’s medication it’s not prescribe for you.
Well.. the doctors said she had a kidney stone bladder infection, and so.. she had to have that removed, and she did.
David.. took me to the grocery store, and so I bought Jello because all she can eat is food that isn’t solid but jello food.
Well.. I spend over 100 bucks on food, and I took care of her and that’s because no one wanted to take care of her, and I had to play nurse.
Well.. one day I snapped, and I got tired of her crap. Her ego became inflated, and she kept using me for stuff, and kept using david for car rides, and crap and used my friend Jenny, and was talking crap, and calling her a retard an stuff because she has a disability.
One.. day I said I don’t want to be friends with you anymore, and the reason is you don’t respect people that do things for you, and you’re talking crap behind it’s back, and to my face and.. are 2 faced looking, and rude and disrespectful.
Sure.. enough.. I left stuff with her to use, and not keep and she didn’t want to give me back my stuff, and finally she did.
Then.. she snapped out on me, and was teary eyed, and told me she wanted to “ BEAT ME UP”, and I chuckle at her, and gave her direct eye contact, and she was in tears. She was becoming arrogant, and using people… and said she’s moving to “Alabama”, and i said.. that’s great.
Go move to Alabama, and I guess.. what happen was her mother disowned her because of me, and said I was a good influence on her, and said.. that I have a heart of gold, and to not use Angie.
She say’s there’s something about that girl that’s very holy, and pure looking and very nice to you, and she’s respectful towards me. She told Sherry.. I don’t want you to loose this girl because she’s all you have. She’s a very loyal, and kind girl..
Well.. she blew it, and her mother.. knew it. Her mother asked her about me, and she told her mom that she was using me, and refusing to give my stuff back and using other people, and David.
I guess..she rebelled, and was trying to act “ hard”, and got into a car accident, and her son Justin that’s 6 yrs old was in the back seat of the car, and had her kid taken away.
She ended up in the hospital, and no one.. cared to help her, and she lost her son, and the baby dad took custody of it.
She got karma.. that was bad.. for taking advantage of me, and using other people too.
I believe that’s why.. I’m a very good person, and when I’ve never gotten revenge on someone because I’m a firm believer that something bad will happen to me in time.. but.. not letting it go, and leaving a person a lone.