I was the manager of an advertising sales team at a radio station. We used to get comped double passes to concerts and events all the time. One of my sales guys organised a guest list for a big UK DJ at the biggest club in the city.
At the pre-drinks, I noticed he was with someone new, way out of his league btw, and she ended up third-wheeling to the club with him.
When we got there, there was a massive queue at the door and my wife and I were back in the queue when Paul (yep, real name - fuck him) got to the front. I see the door-bitch (sorry, that's what we called them) shaking her head and explain to him why his 3rd wheel wasn't rolling on in. Then I saw him lean in, point at the list, and I lip-read him saying my name.
Obviously he didn't know I had seen him but I reached the front 2 minutes later and said my name and she says. “Ummm… he's already gone in”. I had my licence ready and said “No, I haven't”.
Before she went any further I said “Don't worry, I saw what happened. I can make him pay for that - I'm his boss!”
Next day, I confronted him and he first starts to deny it - “Wha….? I can't bel-…”
“Mate, I was standing right there when you shafted me!” I cut him off.
He started to apologise, but I admitted that I didn't care that much because I wasn't really in the mood that night, but he wasn't to know that - forgiven, not forgotten.
3 years later, I heard he lost his job for selling himself radio ads at a rate below the average, and he lists me as a referee on his resumé. I gave him a lukewarm phone reference and then the interviewer asks “Would you say Paul is an honest person?”
Well, my response was “I couldn't honestly say that, no.”
She said “Can you think of anything specific as to why you might not say that?”
I said “I was the manager of an advertising sales team at a radio station. We used to get comped double passes to concerts and events all the time…”