We had idiot neighbours one time - the previous people were lovely, an old-school family who baby-sat the whole street just about…but all things must pass, good and bad.
The new people were of a ‘better’ class, and never let anyone forget it.
First off, they stripped out the old house, which they’d bought outright, and turned into a modernised version, but with a fake, even older style facade…you get the idea.
They did all sorts of shenanigans, the builders were pretty nice about it, it wasn’t really a noise issue (ooooh but the finials on the gutters had to be JUST SO, and the windows has to all be thick glass with angled edges, never mind the fence needed fixing and raising…) anyhow, they finally finished, and then they had a big housewarming party - but no-one in the street was invited, just their snotty suit-wearing friends with expensive cars. Well, fine.
Nobody cried over it, and life went on.
Then the son had his eighteenth birthday, same kind of deal, all his uptight chums from the most exclusive college came and talked and talked…I have worked in jails and I have worked with dispossessed communities, but have NEVER heard such filthy language.
Repulsive, privileged brats and their various princesses.
They sat around babbling till the early hours, and screeched off in their expensive cars, and the son and his parents went off early to go on a three day holiday, yachting or something…
Still, you can’t judge people on that - but that next morning, I found broken beer bottles all up and down the dividing fence. They were knee-deep, and there was quite a collection - sadly, most were broken, so I couldn’t really return them for the deposit….
I could have got really pissed-off, but no no no, it’s far simpler to act on these things - so I got my gloves and shovel and a bin and picked up every single bottle…and then DUMPED THE WHOLE LOT ON THEIR FRONT PORCH.
And you know what ? It all got cleaned up in the next day or so, not a single word was ever said.
They’re long gone, and are not missed.