This isn't really a petty thing but it's much to good a TRUE story not to pass on. My Wife was born in Atlanta the youngest if 4 children in her immediate family. When she was about 2 her Father (re)purchased the old family farm his Father had lost during the Great Depression and moved the family back to very rural Thomas Co, Ga to “the old home place". It was on a dirt road with no nearby neighbors except for family that owned all the land for a long way in every direction. Well there was this young man (not kin) whose family lived & worked on the next farm up that belonged to a cousin of my future F.I.L. This young man had an early 1960's muscle car that he liked to race down the dirt road past my F.I.L.’s house when visiting his family. He'd get a running start at the top of the hill coming off the paved road and fly by my Wifes family home. My future F.I.L. saw this guy in the nearby small town on day and told him not to be racing past his house again because his kids and their multiple cousins often played in the dirt road that crossed his land because there was so very little traffic ever on it, and that mostly various farm vehicles etc. Well the young man took it as a challenge from “the old man" (If you've ever seen Col. Potter on the MASH tv show my Father in Law was his twin, right down to the cigars). So one day as my FIL was working on his truck in his front yard he heard the guys car start winding up to race past his home. Just as the car flew by “the old man" stepped into the road with his 1911A1 45 cal pistol he brought back from the Korean war and with 2 shots he blew out both back tires on the boys car. Then he walked up to his window and told him that if he ever came across his land again like that he would put the next round through his rear window (and into the boy). All this was verified to me by the boys Brother and some 20+ years later when I “came into the picture" I saw with my own eyes on several occasions that that guy would still race down that (still) dirt road until he got to the creek that marked my F.I.L.s land where he promptly slowed to a slow crawl which continued until he crossed the 2nd creek that marked the other boundary of the farm. At that point you could hear him wind up the engine on whatever he was then driving and race away, but he never again sped on my In Laws property because “that old man" made a believer out of him!