Not a neighbor but some wanker on a motorcycle.
Many years ago, fresh out of military for a few days pass. Sitting in the lounge with my brother in law and us both reading comics. You know the kind, Archie, Superman etc
We were both military. Him special forces, me at the time, a wannabe special forces. (I got there eventually)
So reading comics was a way for us to relax. Very calming. Anyways, the street in front of his house was very narrow. The street was about 600 to 700 meters long with his house near the end where the road made a sharpish kink to the right and then left.
The street was mostly always quiet, hardly any vehicles and mostly populated with kids enjoying a game of soccer or cricket or simply throwing tennis balls back and forth.
So enter stage left and some wanker bought himself a large motorcycle and would now race up and down the same street scaring the living crap out of the kids. We, my brother in law and myself watched this happen twice and thought of ways to stop it. He was wanting to stand in the road with his gun and take out the idiot. Me? Im into revenge tactics and know many ways to enforce judgement.
So one afternoon, about 10 minutes before the rider would do his next 80km to 100km ride down our quiet street, i took a roll of toilet paper and strung a length from our fence across the road to the next yards fence. Pulled the paper as tight as i possibly could without it breaking, and went back to reading a comic.
Not too long we hear this bike come screaming down the street. We jump up and rush out to see the show. Surely the wanker could see something white hanging in the air across the street? But no! He was still getting to speed when all of a sudden, he threw the bike down on the tarmac… bike one direction and him another. Shrieks of breaking fairing and bending tearing metal. In a few seconds it was all over. I casually ripped the toilet paper up and bundled it into a pocket while my brother in law walked over to the stunned and rider who was trying to sit up. No broken bones or anything. He wore a full faced helmet with bikers gear on incl boots. I saw my brother in law speaking to the guy. He picked him up by his shirt front and shook him violently. All the while threatening him. He dumped the rider unceremoniously to the curb and walked nonchalantly back to his house. Greated his neighbors who all came out to see what the commotion was about.
Long story short…the sounds of kids playing and shouting and screaming was back to normal. We were starting to run short on comics and planning another excursion to the bookstore. Never did hear another bike in our street. The word got out about the bike incident though. No cops ever came around to investigate either.
My brother in law was ex Selous Scouts. Not one to mess with.