Apartment Hunters is a scam, hands down. What they didn't account for is the level of my Google-fu.

A good friend of mine rented a home from them a few years back, and then had to request to break the lease because he was transferred out of state. They could have just said no, but they went several steps further and lied. According to them, they had to contact the owner of the property to see if they would accept the termination. He was constantly told that Apartment Hunters couldn't reach them. I finally had enough, and went on my county's tax assessor site to find the home owner.

After a few minutes of searching, I contacted the home owner and left a message for them. Turns out they had told the homeowner that they couldn't reach my friend, and suggested they start proceedings to evict. When the home owner called us, we told them that he had already moved out and left the keys and garage door opener in the house, per instructions for move out. We also gave them a copy of every contact we'd had with the company.

Apartment Hunters basically lied to both parties trying to get as much of the fee out of each that they could get. We finally got a letter from the home owner stating they give permission to break the lease, with no penalties or fees, and the credit agencies removed all of the reports for Apartment Hunters.

If you're going to run a scam, you better expect to get caught eventually.

Edit: My first 1,000 upvotes! Thanks everyone!

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