Long story short Junior year high school end of the year I'm teacher aid for Miss. Spencer, I hook up two of my boy's and this kid we use too let hang out with us with the answers too a midterm. My two boys know how too get down you can't go from a low C at best to a perfect score on the midterm befor the final. Now dude we will call him James scores a 99%. Yes he gets called into the office and its a wrap me and my two boys get called in the office and its summer school or an F. Too say nothing of the ass beating I got at home (Yes this is my Jr. year in high school and yes my dad still beat my ass for fucking up, gotta love black parents… Thank you mom and dad for being mother and father and not my best friend… But I digress.) Now my boys wanna beat Jame’s ass and so do I, but after going what seemed like 12 rounds with Deacon Miller I thought twice about it.
Fast forward Senior year January the Dallas Cowboys (America’s Team) is playing the 49ers for the NFC Championship at the Stick (those of you not from Da Bay that's Candlestick park,) my high school band had the honor of helping with U.S. flag doing the National Anthem. They needed more students then were on the band, me my two boys and James add or names to the volunteer list. Now Mr. Gomez the band director had one rule if you are 5 minutes early you are 10 minutes late. James doing school the 1st day of practice ask me where practice is being held and I tell him in the Science lab. Why he would think band practice would be held in the science lab and not the football field beats me but when he does make his way too the football field some 15 minutes late I just look at him and think revenge is a dish best served cold…. and yes I'm a Scorpio I'm not evil just misunderstood….