I’m not sure this qualifies as passive aggressive but surely satisfying -
*Before reading ahead, do know that I never try to be a hero or captain courage and think thrice before putting myself in to dangerous positions*
I vividly remember two bullies at my previous college, they were friends with each other (say ‘M’ and ‘N’) and always tried to bully the smaller size students by outnumbering them two to one.
One regular day, in my structural analysis class, ’N’ misbehaved with the lecturer and was immediately told to leave the class and so he did. Afterwards, to mark him absent from the class, the lecturer asked us his roll no. and here a significant moment happened. ‘M’ was sitting in front of me and my friend, say ‘B’ was sitting behind me. And I don’t know for what reason, ‘B’ yelled N’s roll no. with extra enthusiasm. I was a bit surprised.
So, to check who ratted, N’s friend ‘M’ glanced back and looked at me and I looked at him as in ‘why are you staring?’. (Yup, you guessed it, he thought I was the one yelling N’s roll number). And he kinda looked mad but then turned to the front without saying anything.
When I was having lunch with my friend ‘B’ and two other guys, they both (M and N) came towards us, red eyed, yelling at me and accusing me of ratting. Now me not being very explanatory that they’ve got the wrong guy, just stood up to N, face to face, we almost merged within each other.
I don’t know what possessed me. I’d never felt so punch hungry in my life. I was begging for a punch and would have gone all Van Damme on both of them. I would have given my everything that but realizing they are already in much trouble with the college authority, they backed off challenging me to see them off campus and I replied, “kyo? aithe tusi choodia pake ayeo?” *rough translation* -“why?, you’ve come to the campus wearing panties?” (I don’t know how I came up with that line.)
They went away spitting some more threats and I came back to my friends who were in a mini shock and not saying anything. I raised my palm and saw, I was shaking very very badly like I’ve seen the scythe of the death herself and was thinking to myself, what in the world was I thinking?. It was an insane moment of mixed feeling of courage and fear.
But yeah, It was much satisfying standing up to those irritating a-holes. (PS : this was the first of the two times I stood up to them, second time was a bit more physical)
Peace :)