It wasnt really revenge and it was my daughter, not me. My ex was as Gunney Herman would say ‘a jackwagon’. A horrible, cheating, abusive man. Years after our divorce, and years of my kids not hearing from him, he calls my daughter. All adults now, she spoke politely but matter-of-factly. I guess he thought she would be exstatic to hear from her. Anyway, she was honest, polite and brutal at the same time and she let him know she was doing fine. I had remarried and so had he. And Her wedding was coming up. So they continued to talk on occassion and my oldest son was in the Marine Corps. She was going to be married in our back yard under this beautiful redbud tree. She spoke with my hubby and i and asked if she could invite him. We said yes. But when she called to invite him, she said “ my step-dad is giving me away. He has been the best father to me and if you have a problem with that, dont come. But he did and was polite, bringing his “family” with him. We were gracious of course, but my hubby could not have been prouder. He gave her away and the ex never said one wrong thing. As Fathers’ Day nered, he called her and i guess wanted her to tell him Happy Fathers Day. She said” for many years, my Mom got Fathers Day cards from us and then she married my step dad and he gets the Fathers’ Day card. He told her she sure was to tje point. She said “my Mom taught me to speak my mind and say what I feel, so if you dont want the truth, dont ask”… he has since quit contacting the kids. I never bashed him and knew that his fathering skills sucked when they were young, but what they saw in him as adults just solidified that they truley dont have any use for him. Like i said, not revenge and not by me but i had to smile because they have an amazing step-dad… a true father and we all are very close.