I used to tend bar until closing, do bar clean up then go back to the townhome where I rented a room. As soon as I got home, around 3 or 3:30 I'd take a shower, read in bed and fall asleep. My landlord came to me and said that the neighbors could hear the water running and it disturbed their sleep so stop the showering. Now, I don't know if anyone has considered how filthy you get tending a busy bar for 8 hours then cleaning up the muck after but I assure you nothing else was happening until I showered it off. I told my landlord this but he still wanted me to wait until after the neighbors woke up at 6. So I did it. I came home and watched TV until 6 am, then I took my shower and went to bed. Yes, I was aware that my TV was on the other side of the wall as the neighbors master bedroom and that sound carries, especially the loud action movies that I so enjoyed watching as I waited for 6 am to roll around so I could finally wash my sticky night of work off. I think it was just two nights of this until *surprise* I got a note to disregard showering issues, go back to what I was doing before.