We bought a house on a cul de sac. The neighbor on my left was the listing agent. In his paperwork, it was stated that the fence on our right side was 10 feet inside our property line and all parties knew this. So moving the fence to the property line would not be a problem, right? Wrong. We had the property surveyed and notified the neighbor that we would be moving the fence. Oh no you’re not, was their response. Then started their harassment. Tennis balls tossed at our dogs, screaming fits every time we walked into the backyard. Then lawyers. Ours charged us for talking to the neighbors estranged husband ( who did not live there). 45 minutes, and the guy told us he did it on purpose. To wrack up our lawyers bill. Then he pulls the Do you know who I am? routine. We’d had enough. So here’s what we did. My husband went out with a sawzall and cut the fence down completely. No fence to fight over now. Secondly, we found out their lawyer was doing this as a favor. I called his office to speak to him. He wasn’t in so I ended up speaking to a different lawyer that had no idea he was doing this. Spoke for 45 minutes, hum, getting the picture? Third, the husband was a public figure. I went down to the court house where his office was and spoke to his supervisor about his aggressive stance and using his job as leverage. I got a written apology. And our new fence was built on the property line. And the real estate agent ? Conveniently absent whenever I tried to talk to him. I believe he retired shortly after.