Former Pulp & Paper Technical & Operations Management at Forest Products Industry; Specialty Energy and Environment (1962–1998) · Author has 20.2K answers and 14.5M answer views · 8y ·
One I remember was in Grade 3 or 4. It had snowed significantly but at recess (or maybe lunch time) all the kids were out playing in the snow, making snow forts and snow men.
I noticed that one of the ‘big kids’ in Grade 6 was having a great time running and kicking down the little kids’ snow men.
So……I built a nice snow man. I guess the big kid did not see my work in progress…..I built it around and over a fire hydrant. Did he ever get a surprise when he took a big run and a big leap and kick at my snow man.
No permanent injury, but as I recall, I did not observe him out on the playground any more that day.
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