This was about 4-5 years ago. I used to get frequent missed calls and absurd SMSs and seemed like some girl who was teasing me and knew few things about me. I just got married at that time and wasn't sure how to explain this to my wife. I did't want her to take that seriously. For many days I got these calls and the girly voice would say "Darling..." "Love...", and would hang up before I could even make an attempt to recognize the voice. The calls were very short. Sometimes I ignored it. The girl was having some fun that I couln't figure out the caller. I didn't have a smart phone then otherwise I could've figured out the number through TrueCaller app. So, I randomly typed the 10 digit unknown mobile number on google. The first page didn't yield any result. On the next page of Google, I found a name- Rajeev Borkotoki with the number. "Mother fucker..." that's the word that came out of my mouth when I saw the name. This guy was my friend and flat mate during my college days about 6 years back from then. We used to do a lot of pranks back in those days and then after college we went different directions in search of our careers. He stayed back in Assam and I came to Delhi. Now that the riddle is solved, its my turn to counter prank. So I went online, created a new email id in his name and started posting ads on sites like ebay, Olx, Quikr, and few other similar sites. I've provided Rajeev's mobile number for buyers to contact. Now, I wanted many many buyers enquiries on this number with the intention that he would be frustated of these calls, frustrated to the point of breaking his mobile phone. What I did was, I posted an ad for iPhone for immediate sale for Rs. 5000. I posted Royal Enfield Bullet motorcycle for Rs. 10,000, LED tv for Rs. 2000. A car for Rs. 20,000. There were miscellaneous such ads I posted for throw away price. Who wouldn't call to check these stuffs when the prices were dirt cheap. So cheap that you'd buy it even if you didn't need it.
Four days after that secret mission of mine, my mobile rang. It was Rajeev. Unlike previous calls this time the phone kept ringing. It wasn't a missed call. Earlier he used to give a short buzz and when I tried to take the call, he'd disconnect. That gave him immense pleasure to make me sick. Now, he wanted me to take his call, but I didn't. He rang again and I ignored. This happened the entire day. I was assuming that he was fed up of incoming calls from buyers enquiring about the 'For Sale' items and figured out that I am the Mastermind behind this. He tried to contact me consistently for two weeks (may be he wanted me to remove his number from those sites), but I did't take the calls. The calls stopped. May be he threw away his mobile phone out of frustration. May be he's fighting with the callers. Peace and pleasure is mine.