My baby daughter AlShamsah was born with many complications. We were frequently in hospitals.
When she was born, I was at high alert for a whole week until they released her from hospital. I never slept. I even did my work in the infants ward (I believe I have responsibilities to others so my life problems should not affect my business commitments).
This was our first few minutes at home. We fell asleep almost immediately when I laid down to rest; waiting for my wife to bring something for AlShamsah. My wife took this picture. She said even when we were sleeping on the sofa, I held her so she wouldn’t fall and wouldn’t allow anyone to take her away from me. I don't remember any of that.
I would sometimes wait all night and into the morning for her specialist and could not do anything about it. It was frustrating.
(In one of my answers to what would be classy if a rich person did it but trashy if someone else did it? I mentioned I let my hair and nails grow barbaric when am too busy to pay attention and others would pick work load for me. This is when it started.)
She developed hyper allergies to baby formulas and her mother was unable to breastfeed her because of past surgeries, complications, and current medications. I never felt so powerless.
The only formula she could have with her hyper allergies was this.
It was the only freaking brand on the market and I would find only one or two at a time at random locations. It was expensive and under supplied.
One day her formula was out and I went searching for it. I couldn’t find any, so, I started complaining on Twitter to The Ministry of Health and local health authority. I couldn't find it and I knew my daughter will sleep hungry if I didn’t. I went to 13 different places around my area. I went to supermarkets and pharmacies without any luck.. I felt helpless..
All of a sudden so many people following me on Twitter were out on the road contacting me, helping search for the milk. All over UAE in every city. Not to mention even my Saudi followers were out looking.
Together we bought 12 cans. That was all we could find. We created a demand for it simply by asking every pharmacy in the country for it. And all of a sudden it was available everywhere.
I found the supplier and bought a whole shipment from them. I distributed this to children in private hospitals to be given away for free. For I knew, government hospitals had supplies but we didn't know about it back then. We learned about it from the government response to my tweets a couple of days later.
I threatened the supplier to do a better job or I’ll bring every bit of competition in the market against them because they did not supply properly! There was always a shortage. I got other suppliers to produce similar products for the market because I didn't want anyone to feel as helpless as I felt. Plus, it was expensive so poor people will suffer more.
Recently, my biggest and happiest achievement was changing her formula gradually from hyper allergic to normal cow milk formula. Going through goat milk allergic then to normal goat milk formula, then to allergic cow milk formula and a month ago to normal cow milk formula. It took a whole year.
So if you ask me the nicest thing ever done to me was two whole countries going on a search to feed my baby girl one night that I couldn't. To them I will be forever grateful.