It just so happens, we ask every model that applies to work with us why they are choosing to model nude (it’s inferred, with us). I do not have the data handy of every model applied (regardless if they made a shoot with us or not), but I do have the data for every model who applied and was shot, and I guess that’s more relevant anyway.
This data is a combination of two ways of gathering data (we changed this in early 2017):
- What Candidates told us when asked when we met them face-to-face, and a staff member wrote down what they said
- What Candidates typed when we asked them the question in an online survey
Some of our staff were English second-language, so there are frequent grammar and spelling mistakes - I have not corrected them, unless the meaning is completely unclear.
I censored some names, and used [square brackets] to describe the person’s role instead.
I removed some items that were too personal / identifying.
Each answer is from a different person.
Most of these responses are from females (we shoot solo and girl-girl shoots most often), but sometimes we interview males who want to do a shoot with their female partner, and their responses are included here.
There are 434 answers in total. Ready? Here we go:
Why are you choosing to model nude?
- Because I enjoy it. Bit of an exhibitionist.
- Saw the poster and was intrigued to try it out
- Authentic & intimate, likes the natural and pro female approach to our work. Has heard great things about us, and loves our website.
- Loves what our site is about, and very interested in video and porn'.
- Enjoys being naked, comfortable, money to travel
- I enjoy it
- Fun and different- likes to show off to the camera
- I like it.
- Enjoys it
- Exhibitionist.
- Enjoys doing it.
- Wants to try it (came in with friend who's done it before)
- Enjoys it
- Likes being nude so wants to try it out
- Get a lot out of it, would like to try it again
- Always wanted to give it a go, a bit shy but interested in it
- Money, wants to try everything once
- Enjoys it
- Enjoys it, find it easy to do- comes quite naturally, money
- Enjoys doing it!
- Confidence in her body, money
- Loves doing it!
- Money in first place, now she likes to be nude, live pictures shoots.
- Wants to try it out
- Self expression and improving self esteem. The way to love my body.
- Enjoys being naked!
- To be sexually open it improved something in her, makes her feel more confident!
- Likes it
- Loves being able to express her true self thru this work- is a very sexual person and comfortable with being nude.
- Likes what we're about, sounds like fun from what Yvette has said.
- New experience
- It's liberating and enjoys it!
- Likes what we're about, heard that it's fun!
- Enjoys doing it, comfortable with it
- Did work for [similar company], found it interesting and fun!
- Cash, wants to experience a positive porn culture
- Open mind up, good fun & experience, like to step out of comfort zone, good way to make a bit of money
- Experience, empowerment & money
- Had a good time with us before, enjoyed the work and the modeling work is not to hard, she feels comfortable with us.
- Fun
- Try something new
- Fun and cash
- Comfortable with being naked
- Comfortable, would like to do a shoot with her BF
- Comfortable being naked
- Would like to try it out
- Likes getting naked!
- Money, Fun
- To try it out
- We were born naked, comfortable being naked, likes what we're about
- Flatered that we've called her, she is above 30 she says Likes to have more photo's of her self.
- Wants to try it out, cash
- Comfortable with her body, likes what we do
- To try something new and have extra money
- Likes what we're about and keen to do some more modelling
- Wanted to try it out
- Wanted to give it a go
- Wanted to give it a try
- Comfortable with her body, heard great things about us, likes what we're about
- Wants to shoot with his partner
- Enjoys it, loves idea of working with our company
- Wanted to try something different in the industry to what she's always done.
- Try something new
- Heard great things about us
- Heard that we were fun to work with
- Comfortable with it
- Wanted to shoot with his partner
- Wanted to give it a try
- Heard great things about us
- Referred by [mainstream porn star] Normal for her, the money
- Heard about us from a friend, interested in giving it a go
- Try something new with his gf
- Heard good things about us
- Heard we were here and keen to shoot with us again
- Try something new
- Thinks it would be fun
- Wanted to try, sounds like fun
- Likes what we do, good referral feedback
- Being free loves expressing herself
- Fun.
- Fun.
- Professional [porn] model in Spain
- She loves porn, finds ita very empowering and natural thing for a bi women to do. Finds wider social response to porn very interesting and wants to explore the industry first hand before writing a book on where society gets it wrong.
- Experience, cash
- think it will be fun exciting and new
- wants pictures of her bump while pregnant loves that we shoot natural real women
- it's excelled, I do it for my self!
- Exhibitionist, trying new things.
- As part of theatre decided need to learn who she was and thats how she came to do modeling work, it helped her understand her body and to just let go and pose.
- loves nature and natural form of body.
- For his partner, try something new, for the experience
- Just over a year modeling, boyfriend suggested it and she went for it.
- The experience, boost self-confidence.
- always wanted to be model and to short, likes to be naked so made sense to try.
- Experience with partner
- money, fun, is a lesbian
- enjoys it, interested in art and design.
- She did it for the thrill.
- always wanted to do it but didn't feels he had right body. Friends encouraged her and she is loving it.
- feels sexy and confident enough to show is off.
- Likes it, feels free and comfortable with her body, plus the money.
- enjoys the work, confident in herself
- Fun, cash.
- Money, fun
- Wants to be naked in front of a camera and get comfortable with it.
- Money, try something new, likes what we do (saw Higher Education | Pearson before coming in - actually read ALL the information available)
- Enjoy it, chance to be the real me
- exerbitionist, always interested in it she is an artist so creation of imagery, just fun so does it.
- Free spirit and free mind.
- Wanted to do something different and was bored in her marketing job. Says her boobs are her best asset and is a bit of a show off.
- bf and her talked about it as a joke and year later brave enough to try it and enjoyed it.
- Money, experience
- thinks it will be fun, always looks on [place we advertised] for interesting advert and ours caught her attention
- Happy with her body, nice way to earn money.
- relaxed way to earn money
- had been playing around with [staff Shoot Producer] taking pictures and decided she wanted to try it, then had shock when [staff Shoot Producer] showed her our site.
- boring job wanted to see what else she can do enjoying playing her limits.
- Way of exploring sex life further with partner and money is useful.
- Empowerment, liberating, self-love, exhibitionist
- Something fun to do, nice income, likes to do it on her own.
- Wants to be a model
- Pays her way with her training for art work and it is all adding to her art work and her ideas of sexual ideals and what she likes to do in her art. She started doing it for drawing classes as has liberal upbrining and always feels comfortable with her body it is a tool for her not a sacred area and wants to have fun with it before it gets floppy. [lol - Garion]
- Done if before, is fun! Makes you feel sexy.
- Empowering, gives you another relationship with your body, confidence levels go up - feels sexy.
- Started off doing it for art students and became more secure about her body and wanted to try and really enjoyed it and wants to be able to look back when she is 85.
- Liked working with [similar company]
- Used to enjoy taking pictures of herself nude and put them on reddit and then found out she could be paid to do this!
- Wanted to try modeling in general, very comfortable with her body. Saw it as a great opportunity to pay for her PhD.
- Fun, well-paid, experience.
- Did it when she was younger, liked it.
- started of as a dancer, ended up stripping. gender and sexuality had been part of her work as a writer and wanted to explore it physcially as well as conceptually. All about healthy like minded approach to sexuality and working with similar people coming from a feminist angle.
- Money, wants to help [someone else's] modelling
- thinks it will be a fun thing to try, she likes her body and likes showing it off
- Fun, last time when she came her she had a really good time. Enjoyed herself and feeling confident about your body!
- After having it explained to her think it will be a fun thing to try
- Very sexual person, exhibitionist
- Started at 18 and did it 'cause she could. Fun and extra cash.
- New experience, something attaches her about it.
- Likes the lifestyle, thinks it's cool, experience, money
- Experience, choose who she works with
- likes getting her boobs out!
- Money
- Enjoys it and her sexuality, very sexual person.
- Her career
- Doesn't want to live in a world where having nude pictures on the internet is a bad thing. For sexual, political reasons.
- Money
- Likes to model, likes the camera
- Makes [herself] happy.
- travelling for 8 months good fun way to earn money back, open sexualitly, likes being natural and naked, wants to help woman become more comfortable with self
- Why not?
- Started at 18, liked the idea/art, feels comfortable, natural, hard to get a job in [country where she lives]
- Enjoys it. Likes women, wants to do it!
- Money, Enhances sex life
- money and the new experience of modeling.
- Money, likes sex work, wants to try it - could be fun!
- Likes Wholesome young amateur women alone, together, and with their boyfriends, likes natural girls (bisexual)
- enjoys modelling and the experience that comes with it
- she is missing it, meeting other girls. More natural.
- Wants to make the most of looking hot now, loves doing it, break from everyday life
- Sex-positive, loves being nude, wants to get into porn
- Narcissism, politics, lifestyle (exhibition)
- Experience
- No shame, be free. Have fun.
- Curious/experience, you have time again and like the experience and is curious about it.
- Looks fun, wants to do it with [friend], experience
- Interesting, self-expression
- Something I can enjoy and an easy way to make some money.
- [Friend] suggested it and thought yes
- She is an open person and while she is outside of her home country wants to do something fun. She is interested in film and thought this would be a useful experience.
- more experience, get myself out there some more, my name
- experience, money
- Curiousity, hasn't done it before. Money.
- she like to do modeling in general and for nude we pay which is also good thing.
- natural, sexuality and nudity is and should be normal! feels good in front of the camera, wants to show herself to the world.
- Try it and see
- Likes to look at nude photos, exciting, friend explained how awesome it was.
- Loves to show her body and look at other naked bodies. Fascinating. Differences.
- feels comfortable with her body and it is extra money.
- She likes our site and she is interested in this work
- new experience and getting some money!
- want to do horse riding lessons and needs the extra money.
- new exciting, fun, liberating
- she like to show her body
- it's new for me I want to try, I like the nude things! Money!
- she like to do modeling, and when someone take pics of her
- because she wants, she like it
- like being naked, very important of different presentations not only the regular 'porn', want to show a different presentations of woman. would do it for free :)
- really like girls!! bisexual + really needs a job!
- she like to be a model, she likes when someone takes photos of her.
- she would like to try other things, something new
- mix of economic reasons and her willing to be a free spirit and feel confident with her body. Likes to have different experience in live and be free.
- Always loved her own body at what ever shape and thinks it will be interesting and fun thing to do - wants to see if brave enough to do it. Be good to see what her body looks like outside her mind.
- People praising her breasts for years telling her she could then she told a guy she had outgrown her bra and he told her she was a 1 in a million great model and he hooked her up - it was really fun!
- got involved in fetish work, representing herself sexually, like to document her sex work.
- Her old room mate told her about us and she thought why not
- She is so in love with her body, she feels very comfortable in front of camera.
- she like to do web cam, she like to show her body, she thinks that is nice to show her body.
- confident boobs, trying a new thing, doing what I feel I want to do, not thinking about what others thing. I like to do this!
- she founds this very artistic, and like it
- interesting and exciting to have it on the internet, I am a little like an exhibitionist
- Wants to get more confident, wants to change peoples live by showing her body + scar. Wants to model and not waste time on hiding because of her scar.
- considering of doing this as a career, making good money, being in depended and self employed. Likes her own body and want to take advantage of that. Likes porn a lot, is passionate about porn. Wants to see more good porn!
- Interested in posing/ modeling and likes showing her body without any problem. Likes the artistic showing of her body.
- As a shooter I want to know how it's to be in front of the camera. Want the experience, is working on own erotic film production
- Someone offered to do her a portfolio and she was asked if she wanted to do nudes and she thought why not and enjoys it, very free in her body a natural skinny dipper.
- like being naked, needs the money.
- knows some friends who are very positive about AW.
- she feels good about it, it makes her feel more comfortable, Getting payed to make out with someone else sound cool for her :)
- First she did life modeling as had been to a class and noticed who ever was model wether conventually attractive or not, when you were drawing them they became beautiful art. Thought this would be great way to make her love her own body and it worked! Very open about sex and not worried about combining this with nude modeling
- want to try everything one in her live, proud of her body. wants to try nude modeling!!
- love the ambiance of making porn and pictures! Porn needs to be made more respectfully for woman. Female orgasm, happy woman having sex!!
- try new limits for herself, nice to be super skinny and tall, to be natural and yourself.
- Getting into porn very much, watching lot's of porn. Meets lot's of director's, film makers into porn. Makes her feel very good! Feels very free and no social press ion
- for herself, top be natural, wants to be natural. At the moment not to comfortable in her body and would likes to accept and play with herself and her body. Express herself.
- likes the nude modeling work + good money.
- fun to work with beautiful people, lots of beautiful girls. Can be more naturalistic and let unreal modeling, that's what she likes.
- Want to shoot with his lover, likes to be liberal about shooting sexual content
- started with normal modeling and just wanted to try it
- found out there is no problem with people looking at her, feels comfortable nude, wants the new experience. interesting as a photographer.
- in the beginning interested, and later she just loved it and she want to do it.
- At the beginning wanted lovely pictures for her to keep and when she was doing it she enjoyed it and also has account on internet and many photographers contact her for shoots.
- because of love for [girlfriend].
- enjoys it, think she has a nice body.
- she likes her body and like this kind of pictures but also money
- She was an escort and needed pictures to promote herself and she very quickly stopped escort work and became a dom and she has been surprised by how well she has done
- money, nice to see herself back when she is older! feels comfortable with her sexuality!
- Develop view about sex, to become more confident with her body, to become more open minded, money.
- No idea just feels extremly comfortable that way, kind of a shy person and feels alot less shy nude for some reason and likes it.
- she like to do shoots when women can be natural and be them self.
- AW is very sexy, loves out content! When she is old she can look back and say 'that's how I looked'!
- makes her feel better, and pretty, something different.
- Started doing art modeling for people at art classes then someone asked if she would enjoy doing fetish bondage modeling.
- She tried web camming one night and loved in - enjoyed talking to people and found it a fun experience. She is just very comfortable being nude it is a natural state and it pays well.
- Loves being naked so thinks this will be fun.
- want to do this shoot with the woman he loves.
- Her fiancee lost his job as a hot sexy woman she went off to shoot porn to earn them money. She is now supporting their family this was she has a young child as well.
- To claim her body back after she [was attacked] (She got a bit emotional explaining this)
- She is just enjoying the nude pictures on tumblar , soft things not maistym [mainstream] porn.
- She always wanted to do it, she likes the erotic world, she does not like typical porn
- A challenge to try something new.
- money! Called herself a feminist and likes our website. Likes to have a nude record of herself when she is older.
- He just likes sex, and everything about sex! Likes to see himself in a shoot. likes porn industry
- Enjoys it, feels good with her own body, really likes it, feels sexy!
- liberating, empowering, comfortable in her owe skin, likes to take it to the next level.
- Just interested in this
- because she was disappointed with whole porn industry, that it is so fake and it is not for women.
- She sees this as a continuation in her sexual expression. She is excited with the idea of sharing her natural body in a free open way to help people with body issues - it is a weird political statement to honestly love your own body and feels it is important to share this with others.
- She needs money
- She loves attention, she likes when people are taking pictures she thinks she will shine. she has never been shy about sex loves talking about it even though shy about other things.
- She talked him into it but he is happy that it will be an interesting thing to do, he is looking forward to it and wants to watch it afterwards.
- she likes to be naked
- he always liked to do something in porn, now there is a change.
- Always been interested in exploring herself and through her writing she does it emotional and this a way to do it physically and to expose her to the world - some how brings her relief some how.
- Wanted to see her body from different perspective and to build on confidence and it has been interesting to do journey and learn what her body can do and what other people can do with it.
- Always interested when she was 16/17 loves sexual art and videos and porn and thought it was really cool. Has never had problems with nudity no shame at all and sometimes she is scared leaving house in case she forgets to put a shirt on. This seemed a sensible thing to move into. Also it is so much fun.
- Partner converted her into a nudist and it progressed as an idea from there.
- She thinks most females in their nature to want to share love and so after discovering and re uniting with tantric life style she felt protected in any mode of expression even the most intimate and vulnerable.
- We are very natural website. She likes to model
- Partner asked him to do it.
- Thought it would be fun, moved out of her family home and had bigger bills to pay.
- She feels that she doesn't have a perfect body but she wants to show anyone can be perfect its just the way that we are she is proud of who and how she is. this is whys hoe loves abbywinters only company she feels comfortable doing this work with.
- Has thought about it for a few years but companies always told her she was to small in her breasts and not right for main stream. Being nude is not a shameful thing for her very happy and comfortable with it.
- money,
- Lot's of fun, the money.
- want to share something pure and loving!
- Money on [our ad] attracted her as planning to go home to [country] this summer and this would help. Felt good by how easy going and natural we are, 'not sleazy'.
- he always wanted to do erotic shoots, and then he met his girlfriend and she wanted to do shoots too.
- She likes her body more without clothes.
- personal experience, and exploration, like making pretty things and she thinks Higher Education | Pearson does pretty things.
- extension of her sexuality, she enjoy having sex and anything erotic.
- His girlfriend
- sound like so much fun, sawing [sewing?] materials are expensive :)
- Doing it for the challenge and thinks its would be exciting and her only worry is she may get nervous
- want to get in front of the camera, nice preparative of shots of herself, very interested in pornography.
- like trying new thinks, very comfi [comfortable] with her own body, want's money to keep traveling.
- she is a nudist, no problems showing her body,
- she is one of the hornyest people she has ever met. want others to enjoy her.
- she really like modeling, she loves erotica, being hot for others, she likes see the desire in man eye :)
- She got a card a year ago at [supermarket] and been thinking about it for a year then saw us on [where we advertise] and thought it must be fate. Enjoys being nude anyway so may as well get paid for it and easy money be useful.
- interesting, different job, money.
- It was a natural choice as she always attended the life drawing classes as an artist then swapped one day.
- Thinks it will be fun and he wants to share in [girlfriend's, who's a model for us already] job - too funny not to do it.
- Needed the money - but now she loves it
- Wants to do something new and experience it but very nervous.
- She heard about us a few years ago but it was too complicated traveling here and now a friend has shot with us and she is more confident in herself and so she is trying again
- Started to work as a stripper, this marked is very profitable, it's cool. Money motivated.
- Empowerment - she did gender studies at uni and she made her own website called pussyjuice - about woman with real bodies stuff that is not photo shopped so next generation don't hate their bodies as we all did
- makes a lot of fun and money
- a lot of fun, ego bust! makes her feel good about herself
- She did it when she was younger and was unsure if she was happy so stopped. Looking back she is so proud of what she did, loves the results and she feels with our company and support in her life she is ready to look into this again as she really enjoyed the process
- [friend] told her about us and she got interested, The Money!!
- likes the AW website, like we are different than the general porn. Very realistic.
- new experience, have sex any way and they are going to visit Amsterdam.
- She had friend who kept telling her she should do it and she tried it and LOVED it
- she like it, finds it interesting and it is a lot of fun, she is attention seeker so it is her way of getting attention.
- read a book what inspired her, her mom always stimulated her to feel good with her naked body., she want's to discover more and et out here!
- It started as a joke - she was with a friend and they were very sad as they were out of work and they new woman did web cam for money then the joke took them to a studio and she loved it.
- Thinks it will be really fiun and she is quite confident and has been thinking about this for a while and thinks it will be quite cool and liberating
- Its experience he thinks they both love to be seen and it will be good experience together
- Needs to earn her tuition fees for studies. Hopes to have some memories from her youth, be nice to leave a nice copy of herself as she is now - be nice to have some good pictures of herself.SHE NEEDS THE MONEY!
- we really like to have sex together.
- Maybe because when she was 17 she started to see adverts on line and she just got curious and wanted to look into it. She is very confident with her body and nudity. She is a normal girl in street but when she is on camera she shines - she is a normal girl with a beautiful job, she just loves it.
- Never thought about it before, but sounds nice, fun, empowering, more confidence in her body, new experience.
- She wanted to try something different - from small country town all very straight jacket. She has always wanted to try stuff like this.
- She does not like the dirty porn that's around, but likes the AW style, fresh, comfortable, clean, sweat.
- Always curious anyway, its also nice to earn money while exploring something you want to learn more about. Never did it before as never new how to do it in safe environment then her friend told her about us and seemed so safe and healthy who we are and what we do she considered it.
- [girlfriend] told him to do he does
- they would like to try something new
- She like the concept of the company, she thinks is a good think. She is sex positive, and she can be proud of it.
- It is a big ego stroking thing for her, being small and round she never thought she could be a model - other people would want to see her was a surprise for her and its really fun. it puts her in touch with her body. At school most of work she does is in her head so nice to have a change and be active and show off the side of herself.
- boy's dream - wanted to always do it and then he met [girlfriend, is a model for us] and they decided to do the shoot
- - Something fun to do, had similar interest to his partner both enjoy trying new things and being adventurous. So young don't want to close doors on what they have so this is fun way of keeping things fresh and free and testing the waters.
- like to learn more about nude modeling than been behind the camera.
- Finds it quite sexy and erotic to do and enjoys the challenge
- Finds it very sexy and exciting - only just overcoming what people consider to be socially accepted and enjoying the freedom of re finding self
- She was bored and wanted to have some fun and found her way to this after a friend told her about this
- Feeling really comfortable in her body and something she is interested in and wants to explore her sexuality and this is good way to do that
- For the experience - to see what would happen, easy for her as she does nude beech at home and when told about what we do by one of our models sounded interesting.
- Been curious about this for a long time and some years before he would be to shy but now he feels confident enough - seems the right thing to do
- like's it, loves being naked, artistic, self expression,Really likes the people in this industry, loves traveling
- When she first moved to city she was really into photogrsaphy and she wanted to learn what it was liked on other side of camera then she found she really loved it and photography fell away as an interest as so many good photographers out there she didn't want it as much as she though once she tried it and modeling more fun
- fun!
- On her 18th birthday she saw a porn film and wanted to do it so much she rushed to ask her mother if she can be a porn star and her mother was very supportive
- Wants to gain confidence in herself and wants to enjoy thus
- she really like it, it is something sexy and nice. It turns her on when someone is watching her.
- because it's international, happy to be our model. Money!
- Started out as a broke college student but open and got a lot of positive response. She was having fun so kept going
- Girl Friend suggested it, sounded interesting and he is young and can do it. - and saving for money for Uni in Germany
- thought about it before meeting gf as he wants to see if he could and indeed he should as he is happy to watch it and experience it that way so should be ok to create it and be camera sided as well
- Very into it (especially after she heard more about it in the info session)
- Someone asked her to do it and she thought why not and loved it!
- enjoys doing work around sexuality, very important for us to know how positive is sexuality
- Doing nude pictures of other people and felt she should try the other side and became an exhibitionist with her
- She finds this really fun and helps her to express her sexuality, she is a bit exhibitionist
- She originally contacted photographers for clothed work and they suggested she tried nude with them so she tried it. If she is comfortable with a photographer it is ok - so far.
- They love to have sex - they are a little bit exhibitionist they enjoy outside sex. Sharing it with other people seems a fun and caring way and a bit of a statement of pride in their relationships and bodies.
- she likes porn and like to do it in different ways, more female friendly porn. She also likes her body.
- She wanted some form of income where she can be flexible and travel and not have to spend all her time doing it.
- The experience
- Her friend had done it and she needed money before she went traveling to NZ and working for company like [similar company] helped her with her body confidence and she was also laid back person so seemed like a good fit.
- She thinks what we do is great and all her friends had fun and she loves how we operate and what we stand for and our mission. She has been assure it will be really fun so she is very keen to try it.
- They love to have sex - they are a little bit exhibitionist they enjoy outside sex. Sharing it with other people seems a fun and caring way and a bit of a statement of pride in their relationships and bodies. Especially as it is natural and real sex how could people be sad at happy people having sex.
- Feminist - lot of body shaming goes on with this kind of work and she wants to be like there is a good way to do this it is not shameful real woman are lovely and loves our website we empower
- she wants to feel good in her body.
- She needs a job and she is saving up for her own bussiness and she has always been interested in being a performer of some sort and it feels like it is her time to perform and enjoy !
- Always wanted to do it but yet to find something that fits with her pro female ideals - wants ethical company to guide her through.
- Girlfriend asked him to do it so he will :)
- 2 years ago she started to understand herself, f and she realized her body is her suit to wear with pride it is natural and not bad to have a good beautiful body and to show it to other people. You can be an example for other girls.
- close to the webcam model job but more interesting, works with more professional people who do not want to use her in any other way. And she wants to have some nice and sexy pictures.
- Her first shoot was fashion and she then tried topless, nude and loved it so never looked back kept going
- because she is very open person. She likes to be naked.
- Always like expressive art with a body and finally she liked sex and tried the work and all matched up and made her happy
- Life was boring been in relationship for 7 years and was working at animal place and life very dull and so applied for Twisties for some excitement
- She was unsure at first saw idea on internet but the girls in her 'house' are like family and she is so glad she did it.
- comfortable with her body, makes her feel confidant and happy
- because it is exciting!
- She started as a regular model - hair and clothing and this seems the batural progression and she loves it.
- She ran out of money and found an advert in a hostel. It turned out to be fun she loved it - [boyfriend] made it fun and now she is much more confident with her body.
- The big porn film festival she attentded a screening and became aware of a couple of directs she loves and she contact them and it worked so she lept doing it - jumped to it in a very natural way, she is doing things at her own pace, not in it for the money she approaches people whos content she likes and wants to do fro herself.
- She is an exhibitionists, she really enjoy modeling and acting, it help her to gain confidence, she enjoys it.
- Had a business idea (being an artist is expensive), she looked into donating eggs but no one wanted them so she found nude modeling as a how to make money quickly. She saw an add and thinking they would not take her applied as a joke and here she is.
- she likes it, makes her feel like a women, also to be famous (but not for money) to also be interesting for other people! She would like to inspire other women.
- Very comfortable in body, nice way to express it and earn some extra money.
- The money is a big factor but she sees so many bodies at work this is very tame and she likes the motivation to be the best body she can be and this will drive her to work it.
- Money - her sister says it is a good idea so looking into it.
- Loves modeling, pays well and she thinks it will be fun and it allows her to try new things and come to Europe which she loves!
- gaining confidence, it makes her happy.
- she thinks it is women right to present themselves naturally as they are and we should not be ashamed to do this things.
- it works for her, loves it.
- Always loved performances and loves attention and loves making people happy. Did mainstream and kept wanting to get nude so this made sense.
- Loves photos and loves nude in general it is super lovely
- Her friend [model of ours] told her all about ti and this was what made her jump in but from tiny child she always loved modeling work and as she chose her way in life this dream was forgotten and now she has time and opportunity she just wants to do it!
- Always wanted to try modeling and then she realized that to get work you need to undress so she started to and found out it made her feel happy she is so much more confident in herself now and her hobby is helping her eat she loves it all. She feels really happy in herself now it has helped her loads.
- Really comfortable in her body and she is happy to be 27 for ever somewhere and thinks it should be fun
- She was attending art nude drawing classes and workign wiht models also in her uni photo course and loved process and then she tried it herself first for a friend and it made her feel more confident about herself. when she came to Amsterdam she had no work premit at the start so did it partly for the money but loved the experience and environment.
- - Her step father is a photographer and it just was an industry she was aware of. her mother also has done video.
- becouse she likes photography, it is fun to do it.
- Something nice to do with his girlfriend
- Likes when people can appreciate her nude body so happy to share it
- Feels good and happy to do it - really speaks to her and is interesting. Makes her feel like a powerful woman.
- No idea just some kind of new experience and would like to see if it is possible to be published doing this - something interesting she thinks.
- Not just nude modeling she loves the whole of modeling and all the different areas - as long as it is creative and passionate she is there. She loves all modeling tv shows about fashion and modeling as a whole and loves erotika photos as for her they are very true. Real natural people as they are.
- Why not - she decided to try it as she loves art nude and thought she would be brave and loves how beautiful it can be with youga etc involved
- She likes it (shy giggle) She loves seeing the beautiful pictures.
- Thought it would be fun, she is comfortable with her body and money also nice
- Taken a long time to make this decision, looked into erotizism, activism around it and now she needs money she realized she is not only open to the concept of this work but doing it herlself. Mixture of curiosity, need and excitment! Sees this as very empowering!
- 1st time she heard about us felt interesting for her as it is in a natural nude area that she likes and she thought why not - have fun and try
- [Girlfriend suggested it] :)
- Loves to work with good photographers- nice to see herself in good light in beautiful way and she is very comfortable naked and is naked a lot of the time so why not :)
- The confidence she began to have with her body - she used to be very insecure (even as a swimmer she felt bad in her costume), moving to [city] gave her new freedom and she started to understand herself more and see how beautiful and freeing being nude can be. It is a form of art and she now understands how beautiful her body is.
- Seems interesting thinks it will be fun. Loves to feel herself beautiful and thinks this will help - really positive for this, loves her body why not try showing it
- raise some money and girlfriend asked him to do it.
- Wanted to feel more comfortable in own skin and always been curious
- she just like it, because female friendly.
- Been offered to do shoots like AW before seemed sleezy but she felt comfortble with what we had to say and being nude is amazing an dlpoves [prooves?] all that so seeing us we are people who think likes she does - feels respected
- she wanted always to try it. And she needs money too :)
- generally: Europe is very liberal - she would like to liberate herself. She likes our approach.
- Interesting adventure.
- help to pay for school. Also seems like fun!
- Really good way to express yourself, it's strange that nudity is seeing as a bad thing.
- they like to have sex and they are exhibitionists
- cash/experience
- It is beautiful and she likes it so why not
- Wanted to do life drawing classes as a model and saw an add she thought it was for that but it was feck and sounded cool so tried it. Kept moving up a level and found it really fun.
- Why not (shy smile and giggle)
- Thinks [shoot] will be fun with his girlfriend
- Always liked being nude and beacuse she is beautiful so why not share it. And as couple something fresh and new to make it sexy. Loves abby as it is great that any one and any body type can do it with no stigma. They started on chatterbaite and one weird night led to lots of fun
- [girlfriend] thinks it will be good idea so why not - he likes the company and ethos around this
- As a couple something fresh and new to make it sexy. Loves abby as it is great that any one and any body type can do it with no stigma. They started on chatterbaite and one weird night led to lots of fun and still enjoying the journey
- Sounds fun - do it once in your life, tick off bucket list :D
- She loves it it's fun!
- Money is always nice but it is a feeling of liberation, not ashamed of her body and enjoys the feeling
- Always thought it would be fun to make nudes and nude photography really beautiful. wanted to do this for a long time and now is the time to try - why not!
- Enkjoyed last time and loves his girlfriend
- She is a rebel - now has control over her body and loves provocation and this is an area where she sees herself. She now feels free, this is the best way she can represent herself and what she feels inside. Growing up in a repressive conservative background she really appreciates freedom it is liberation and empowering and she loves it.
- Loved the site and liked it being about happy ladies positive vibes.
- empowering. she can encourage other women embrace their body and femininity.
- it's fun for her, one of the fav things to do , and she likes Olivia, and we also pay well.
- Curious - sexual positive and likes doing this with her partner as they work very well togther and she feels comfortable with the whole thing.
- Since she was a kid always attracted to nude art and pagan goddess etc she met a photographer because she also does Japanese bondage stuff and he suggested she might like to try modeling and she worked for him for a art performance piece and he shot a few pictures and she loved it.
- A shared experience with gf
- Thinking about it for a while but no idea how to start then came across us and she is curiously exploring this. Likes being nude and thinks she will enjoy it.
- Something fun to share with gf
- The opportunity to express a more authentic female sexuality and to contribute to the dilogue on what is a healthy female sexual area outside of the male gaze. Represent something woman are into and can enjoy. Also to explore herself a little bit more.
- It's peaceful and looks fun! High libido! :)
- Would like to try it and kind of like it, like to express the sexual side of her. Appreciate her body and if she can make other people happy by doing it.
- Wanted to try something new, not shy person so went for it . ) Way to express herself
- Wants money (said with a happy smile).
- they think it will be fun and it's cool to be in a porn shoot with her bf.
- Inspired by the enthusiasm and love of his partner to do this and really feels ethically on board with this
- empowering herself and possibly others
- A path he feel into but for the right reasons, he (like his girlfriend) feels passionate about the industry and exploration of different fetishes and desires.
- it's amazing! She said there so many reasons why she wants to do it and it's difficult to say all of them, she also could not think of why she should not do it.
- He wants to support the philosophy of what we stand for, he is in this for the inclusion not the money or to have a fun moment.
As you can see, the reasons are diverse, so your personal thinking is incorrect. Franklin Veaux would word this more elegantly!